Monday, March 3, 2025


Mi Cuate

Yo super lit week this week. Definitely one of the most tired weeks that I’ve had in a long time. This week we have been focusing a lot on working with the members and trying to get as many lessons with them as we can. A lot of citas that we had fall through though but it’s super chill. 

We have a family that we have a lot of faith in. They are the familia Morales and they are super lit. Sonia is a member (28) her sister Patricia (25), Ingrid(18), Maynor(15) and Jaime(13). Super cool. We had a super powerful lesson on Saturday and the spirit was so strong. They are all super invested in their work. All they want to do is work work work. So getting them to church on Sunday is high-key super tough. I shared a story about my grandpa England and talked about the success that he had. I have a 30 minute video of my grandpa talking about how C.R.England grew and about some advice he would give to young people. The thing that didn’t surprise me at all to hear was that the best thing a business man can do is to love his workers and clients. Not something very many successful business men would say, but it is something grandpa England would say!

I have always been taught to not cheat or lie my way to success. But to be smart, responsible, humble, and to always have integrity. NOT something I have been very good at in my teenage years. I have gotten a little better on the mission but still struggle a lot. It was funny how I was giving this advice to these young kids about managing money and doing it in a spiritual way because of how horrible I am at it. But, I really had to hold back tears because I felt the presence of an angel with me. The spirit and an angel were the ones teaching this lesson, not me. I knew my Grandpa England was present and I knew he was helping me during this .

Angels exist. There is 0 doubt in my heart about that. I feel that I have experienced loss in my life and I know so many friends and family who have experienced loss on a whole other level. I feel humbled and sorry for my friends and family who have suffered so much loss. It is one of the hardest things that anyone of us can go through but one thing I can promise is that we are at the beginning of a perfect plan. We will experience loss but our friends and family who have passed on to the other side of the veil are with us. I know it. They live in the spirit. They love us just as much, if not more so. They look after us just as much if not more so. We will all see each other again. We can be families forever. By the grace and atonement of the biggest loss that this world has ever seen, we will hug those that we have lost.

I love you all so much, never forget it. As always, please STAY SAFE

Scripture of the Week:

Moroni 7:29 "And because he hath done this, my beloved brethren, have miracles ceased? Behold I say unto you, Nay; neither have angels ceased to minister unto the children of men."

Moroni 7:29 " Y porque ha hecho esto, ¿han cesado los milagros, mis queridos hermanos? He aquí, os digo que no; ni han cesado los ángeles de ministrar a los hijos de los hombres."

Elder Mcomber

Tio Elder Florence en Solola
(My Uncle who served in Guatemala!)

    ANGELS Mi Cuate Yo super lit week this week. Definitely one of the most tired weeks that I’ve had in a long time. This week we have been...