Sunday, September 3, 2023


What up everyone!! I just finished my first week at home MTC. Not gonna lie I thought this was gonna be the most terrible thing ever. But I was pleasantly surprised, I loved it. It was great to get to know my whole district and comp while I was eating waffles in the comfort of my own home. It also makes tomorrow a lot less intimidating when I head to the Mexico MTC. I feel like I got pretty close to everyone in my district and especially my comp. I think me and my comp were pleasantly surprised when we got to know each other. Based on both our mission pictures, what we looked like in the pictures doesn’t reflect what we usually look like in person and especially our personalities hahaha. I love Elder Dobson. He’s gonna make this MTC a lot easier as well. 

I was able to get all my favorite restaurants in too, so I’m satisfied. Beans and tortillas are just going to have to be my favorite meal from now on. Hopefully the MTC has good food but I’m not gonna be able to DoorDash Hot-n-Spicies during class anymore so that blows. There were definitely some moments though during my 4 hour zoom classes where I couldn’t focus and was boring myself to death. Thankful for the golf simi and 10 minute breaks so I could hurry and go play a couple holes. One thing that helped classes go a lot faster was moving my classroom all around the house so I didn’t feel like I was in a jail all day. Change of scenery was a great thing. 

Overall it was a great experience and I felt the spirit so strongly in classes and especially personal study. I should’ve been reading the scriptures instead of watching tik tok my whole life. I love this book!! Anyway the real adventure starts tomorrow so wish me luck. Love you all so much, but not as much as our Father in Heaven loves each and every single one of you. 

Scripture of the week:

Alma 26:3 ,"Behold, I answer for you; for our brethren, the Lamanites, were in darkness, yea, even in the darkest abyss, but behold, how many of them are brought to behold the marvelous light of God! And this is the blessing which hath been bestowed upon us, that we have been made instruments in the hands of God to bring about this great work"

"He aqui respondo por vosotros; porque nuestros hermanos los lamanitas se hallaban en la obscuridad, sí, aun en el mas tenebroso abismo; mas he aqui, ¡cuàntos de ellos han sido guiados a ver la maravillosa luz dios! Y esta es la benedición que se ha conferido sobre nosotros, que hemos sido hechos instrumentos en mas manos de dios para realizar esta gran obra"

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