Tuesday, November 21, 2023


Billy with the greatest books ever written


What’s uppp everyone! I hit 3 months on the mission wooohooo. I wish I could say time is flying right now haha but it’s good, we getting by. 

Honestly not much happened this week. We were supposed to have our baptisms on Saturday but they decided they needed a little more time to prepare for baptism which is amazing. I am so proud of them for being patient and taking this covenant seriously. My companion really is wanting this baptism because he ends his mission in 6 weeks and baptisms in San Martin just don’t happen. We had some rough couple days not seeing eye to eye on this baptism but I am very glad that Sylvia and Billy were able to make this decision on their own. The baptism should happen within the next couple weeks!! They are awesome and they expressed how tight they are on money but they paid tithing on Sunday. Man seeing that was top 3 best moments on the missions fs. 

Anyway I had a lot of lowlights this week so I will keep this email real short. Sickness never gets better and contacting just doesn’t work. However, a big help for me this week was D&C 18. Check the scripture, it’s really cool. I love it so much because missions and life are so hard. They can be very discouraging or sad but, with all we need to do is have faith and gather Israel. It is what our prophet has told us is the most important work today! Even if it is small, one person, 2 people, a lot, or only a small message. We will have great joy living with our father in heaven.

D&C 18:15 “And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father” 

DyC 18:15 “15 Y si acontece que trabajáis todos vuestros días proclamando el arrepentimiento a este pueblo y me traéis aun cuando fuere una sola alma, ¡cuán grande será vuestro gozo con ella en el reino de mi Padre!”

Every bus we take 5 times a week


More of San Martin

Me and the Uruguay legend Elder Davis England

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