Tuesday, December 19, 2023

   3 DUNKS 

Billy, Valery & Michelle - 3 Dunks

Yooo what’s up! GREAT week this week. The best week and day of my mission this week so let’s dive in shall we.

Saturday and Sunday were the best days of the week. We had our baptisms on Saturdayyy! Valery, Michelle, and Billy!! It was such a beautiful meeting and the spirit was sooo strong. All their families came and a bunch from the branch so there was like 40 people there. Elder Pérez baptized 2 and the branch president baptized 1. I got to stay dry - however I did confirm Billy and that was really cool. I was kinda worried because of the language but it actually went great. I only needed help with the last part of the confirmation but everything else went good lol. Best blessing I have given fs. Better than the ones in English tbh. The kids looked so great in their all white and they were all so excited and nervous haha. It was the best. Right after Billy was dunked under the water he said, “Que Rico” with a big smile on his face.

Sunday was amazing because Elder Pérez gave his farewell talk to the branch and during it the family of Michelle and Valery walked in!! For some background info. Valery’s fam doesn’t come to church and is very inactive but not sure for how long. At least the 3 months I have been here they haven’t come once. Michelle’s fam hasn’t been to church in 4 years!! And 8 of them came and it was literally like Christmas morning. The families are related and came in together and I couldn’t stop looking back and smiling. Even though they are all members so it doesn’t count for our numbers, idec. The numbers counted in my heart.

Those were the 2 biggest highlights but we had a great week. I got today and tomorrow with Elder Pérez and then not sure where I’ll go and then a new comp on the 28th. It’s happy and sad at the same time. Hoping my new comp is a dawg

Scripture of the week:

D&C 6:36 “Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not”

D&C 6:36 “Mirad hacia mí en todo pensamiento; no dudéis; no temáis”

More from the baptism

Last Sunday with the Goat

Christmas package came early!
Christmas parade 

Me and Sylvia homies or sum

Go Soph!

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