Monday, December 4, 2023


Fiesta de Pizza

Hey everyone, hope you guys are doing well! Fast week this week!! I did not have Dengue Fever this past week so I actually slept better. I did my first ever divisions this week with Elder Phillips and we made an official date for Billy. He said he doesn’t want to wait for his mom anymore so December 18th is the day. Sylvia still wants an answer to if she should get baptized. She has a crazy strong testimony and comes to church every week so not sure if she wants a vision or what but hoping that Sylvia can find the answer she wants. Geovani is a great help with his mom too which is so nice to have an extra missionary working on her. Also no one here can pronounce England so they call me Hermano Elder or Hermano Ingle lol.

This week was really fun. For our English classes we gave them a test on everything we have been learning. We had a review and then they took the test on Wednesday. I said, alright you guys, if you can all average above an 80 percent then we will have a pizza party for you all next English class. I thought idk man, 80% is kinda high, they are all really terrible at English! hahaha. But they Killed it!! They averaged a 93% and I was like bro what, they just be pretending not to know English. I was so excited though. But then I realized wow. this is gonna be a dent in my VERY limited budget so I had to call in the big guns. Thanks Mom and Dad for the Dominoes Pizza, it made their day! 

Divisions was super fun with Elder Philips and I got to explore Supongo for a day. Let me tell you, contacting there compared to San Martin is day and night. It was nice to have a day where people actually showed us some love and interest. There are so many fake Dunks and Jordans here but they are all wayyy too fake to even consider buying. But in Supongo there were some fake Dunks that looked great but the chick was trynna say they were real and sell em for 900 tookies. So that was a bummer I couldn’t get em. 

Anyways those are just a few highlights of the week. Spanish is definitely coming quickly but still have a good 4-5 months til I could consider myself fluent. I love my area even though the work is hard and am hoping I can stay here for at least one more transfer after this one. As Elder Sprendie said, the inbox is dry, you guys should definitely help a brotha out

Scripture of the week:

1 Nephi 3:7 “And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.”

1 Nefi 3:7 “Y sucedió que yo, Nefi, dije a mi padre: Iré y haré lo que el Señor ha mandado, porque sé que él nunca da mandamientos a los hijos de los hombres sin prepararles una vía para que cumplan lo que les ha mandado.”

Divisions with Elder Philips

La cabra (Billy)

"Hermano Ingle, It's Jesus!"

Me and my brothers during Christmas

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    ANGELS Mi Cuate Yo super lit week this week. Definitely one of the most tired weeks that I’ve had in a long time. This week we have been...