Tuesday, February 13, 2024


View from my house in Santiago, Atitlan

Yo what up from Elder Inglaterra here in Santiago, Atitlan. Got transferred on Friday to the sickest area in the world. My new comp is Elder Grutzmacher and he’s a goat. I have gotten super lucky with my comps so far. Super blessed.  Bro is committed to BYU to play D end. All around good dude and we have a lot in common. Super lit. This transfer is gonna be lit with him.

I said goodbye to San Martin on Thursday. We had a last dinner with the Santay Family. Super hard to say bye to Sylvia, Billy and the rest of the family and friends. They all became my family here and I will be visiting them soon.  I would also love to see Billy in the States. That would bring me so much joy lol. 

However, I got transferred to the most goated area so it doesn’t even matter. I live right on the waters of Mormon. Yes Mosiah 18:8 hits a lot harder now. Other than the fact that it is beautiful beyond words, the ward here is amazing.150people yesterday at church and it is crazy different than a branch. I have gotten fed every meal which is lucky because I ran out of money on Friday. Every single person here also speaks a crazy weird dialect called Tzu-tu-jil. Uxla cha'a means buenas noches or goodnight in English. Super weird but they all speak Spanish so it’s fine. Only the really old people don’t speak Spanish.

Overall though I am unbelievably pumped to be here. Gonna be a great transfer with my comp and hopefully a bap in the lake. 

Scripture of the Week:

Mosiah 18:8 “And it came to pass that he said unto them: Behold, here are the waters of Mormon (for thus were they called) and now, as ye are desirous to come into the fold of God, and to be called his people, and are willing to bear one another’s burdens, that they may be light”

Mosíah 18:8 “Y aconteció que les dijo: He aquí las aguas de Mormón (porque así se llamaban); y ya que deseáis entrar en el redil de Dios y ser llamados su pueblo, y estáis dispuestos a llevar las cargas los unos de los otros para que sean ligeras”

Saying goodbye to San Martin and Santay family

Copped a signed jersey

Saying goodbye to my people in San Martin 

New comp Elder Grutzmacher

First launch

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    ANGELS Mi Cuate Yo super lit week this week. Definitely one of the most tired weeks that I’ve had in a long time. This week we have been...