Wednesday, April 10, 2024


San Pedro

Wow super sick week for me.  It was a big learning week for everyone with conference obviously but for me personally I feel like I was taught a whole lot of lessons.

I loved Elder Renlund's talk and his story. I'm sure you all heard it, but if not you guys gotta go listen to it when it gets on the gospel library app. I learned a lot from the story he shared. It made me think about how far we all have left to go. We can be missionaries, life-long members, bishops, seminary teachers, etc, but if we don't progress EVERY SINGLE DAY, Satan wins. If we aren't progressing, we are losing. It is so easy to forget to consecrate and focus ourselves on the Lord. As a missionary I have realized there have been days that I have not progressed. I probably taught a lesson or two those days and probably invited people to come unto Christ without doing it myself. I did it because it is my job to do it and not because I wanted to grow closer to Christ. So just because maybe we don't take steps away from Christ, the world will take us away little by little. Our church responsibilities don't do much for us if we aren't “progressing” towards Christ. We have to do the things we do out of love for Christ and because we want to. Not because we should or because we have to, but because we want to. 

For the work though, we are making progress with 2 girls named Chonita and Rosalia. They aren't related or friends, just two different people who are learning. Chonita believes the Book of Mormon is the word of God and we need it to answer things from the Bible. She also believes that Joseph Smith was a prophet and that he restored the original church that Jesus Christ established on the earth. However, thinks her Evangelical pastor has the authority of God and that her church is true as well. Not sure how she believes both but we'll get her baptized. Rosalia is awesome. She was not making progress so I told her I was dropping her from teaching lol. That night she said she couldn't sleep and realized what we were teaching was right and that she needed to come to church. She watched all of the conference on Sunday and half of Saturday. She'll get baptized soon too hopefully. 

Pray for these two if you get a chance

Love you all and hope you guys can take this to heart and grow towards Christ. It'll bless our lives more than we know. Los quiero mucho

Scripture of the Week:

Enos 1:27 "And I soon go to the place of my rest, which is with my Redeemer; for I know that in him I shall rest. And I rejoice in the day when my mortal shall put on immortality, and shall stand before him; then shall I see his face with pleasure, and he will say unto me: Come unto me, ye blessed, there is a place prepared for you in the mansions of my Father. Amen."

Enós 1:27 "Y pronto iré al lugar de mi reposo, que es con mi Redentor, porque sé que en él reposaré. Y me regocijo en el día en que mi ser mortal se vestirá de inmortalidad, y estaré delante de él; entonces veré su faz con placer, y él me dirá: Ven a mí, tú, que bendito eres; hay un lugar preparado para ti en las mansiones de mi Padre. Amén"

Chicken and my Fam 

Pop grinding

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