Thursday, May 30, 2024


Bedroom flick

What’s up, a fast week this week which was goodie. Unfortunately Christopher did not get baptized, it has been tough with him this last week. He was sick and then didn’t have time the other days, just unfortunate in reality but we are hoping his baptism happens on Friday! Pray for him please. We also found a lady named Miriam. She is the sweetest old lady and has 2 daughters that are in their 20's and live with her and some grandkids. I have still yet to meet a husband in the family but I think that is because there isn't one. Miriam is READY, she wants to go to our church, she wants to be baptized, and now she knows that our church is the only true church. She had never talked to the missionaries before so it was a miracle that we found her. She will hopefully be baptized on June 8th. She is very afraid of water though, so hopefully that will not cause a problem

What I want to talk mostly about on this email is the LAX State Championship game!! Go Bengals. I have been updated throughout the whole season and it's crazy that it's already over for them. They DESERVE it. They worked super hard and basically with 0 help from any coaches at all so well deserved dub.  The reason why I want to talk about this though is because throughout the season I was a little jealous that I wasn't playing. I was a little jealous that they were playing so well. Obviously I was happy for them but losing in the semi finals last year was toughhh for me. Still is ngl. My goal all of High School was to win the State Championship my senior year. So to get upset and not even make it to the Championship was tough. Obviously life goes on and there are a lot more important things but I still failed where I wanted to succeed. Then the team succeeded where I failed.

Last week I listened to a BYU talk called “Wrestling with Comparisons” by J.B Haws. This talk is insanely motivating. In summary he explains that we can find joy in other people's success. Life is full of failure for us where other's succeed but that doesn't mean we have to be butthurt or sad. We can find joy in other people's success and it is obviously the better option. When we are jealous or mad it is so much more exhausting and makes us feel worse. God will not compare us with someone else. He will only compare us with old us. We just have to learn from our failure and that is where we will find our success. So this talk really helped me prepare for their State Championship game. I realized I can be happy even though they have something I want and will never have. So right now I can say that I am a lil jealous because yes I am human, but overall I could not be happier for their success. I love them so much and have found joy in their success and maybe this is far fetched but I think I lost last year so that I could learn this lesson. 

I hope that we can all practice a little bit more on being happy for other’s success when we do have it. I love you all and as always, GO BENGALS.

Scripture of the Week:

Alma 32:15 “Yea, he that truly humbleth himself, and repenteth of his sins, and endureth to the end, the same shall be blessed—yea, much more blessed than they who are compelled to be humble because of their exceeding poverty.”

Alma 32:15 “Sí, el que verdaderamente se humille y se arrepienta de sus pecados, y persevere hasta el fin, será bendecido; sí, bendecido mucho más que aquellos que se ven obligados a ser humildes por causa de su extrema pobreza.”

Post Conference lol

Throwback - Flick with some State Champs!

Tuesday, May 21, 2024



Yo Ruddup, another long week but we made it to P-day. My comp is funny lol. He really does not like Americans. He thinks we are so stupid, it's pretty funny though ngl. He's always talking smoke on us to all the members. He really wants to learn English though, so that's good at least.

Our baptism unfortunately fell because we couldn't meet with him much to get all of the lessons in, but this Saturday, it is for sure. He's such a goat. Pray for Christopher please!!

The area is super eh ngl. I am learning it a lot better, which saves a lot of time. It's the house that is really starting to get to me. We haven't had water for 3 weeks. Our sink sometimes works and our shower has only worked twice in the past 3 weeks. So it's been bucket showers the whole time and it has started to rain a lottt and our ceiling has started to leak which really sucks so much. It leaks onto my bed sometimes lol. The sink has stopped working though, so today we had to shower at the ZL's house. 

Honestly the work has been pretty slow here and I don't have many people to write about, we are trying to find more people to teach but it's a lil difficult. We always find really awesome people to teach and then they just say nah, I don't have time and it’s super hard to meet with people. That is one thing I miss about Santiago, people always had time and were always in their houses.

Side note for the week is that I committed to play lacrosse at UVU after the mission! Super pumped to get back and play. I did have my brother in-law sign into my instagram and collab with UVU for my commitment post. I AM STILL IN GUATEMALA and NOT on instagram hahaha. Thought I could clarify that lol. Anyway, we're good here in Milagro and we are getting better and we will see more miracles as time goes by. Love you guys and hope all is well at home!

Scripture of the Week:

Acts 14:3 “Long time therefore abode they speaking boldly in the Lord, which gave testimony unto the word of his grace, and granted signs and wonders to be done by their hands.”

Hechos 14:3 “Con todo eso, se detuvieron allí mucho tiempo, hablando con osadía acerca del Señor, el cual daba testimonio de la palabra de su gracia, concediendo que se hiciesen señales y milagros por las manos de ellos.”

Mi Compa


Go 'Rines

Tuesday, May 14, 2024


Elder Pérez X Elder England

Hey what uppp. Super long week not gonna lie. We still had a good week but I am very tired haha. So I still feel like I just got here and my comp is still pretty new to the mission so there is a lot of running around with our heads cut off it seems like. My comp is still alwaysss getting lost and I still am getting used to the area so it's funny. We'd prolly look so dumb if other missionaries could see us. We found 11 new people this week who in all honesty have potential.

We have been working really hard with this 14 year old kid named Christopher and he's a goat. He has friends who are converts and they bring him to everything. They are on the church soccer team together, go to seminary together, church too, and he really wants to get baptized. It is such a blessing for us to have the opportunity to teach him the lessons and grow in knowledge of the gospel. We are hoping that he will be baptized this Saturday!! We gave him the lesson on the restoration and he loved it but he got sad at the end because he didn’t feel like he had enough knowledge or a strong enough testimony to be baptized. We explained to him that those feelings are very normal and he needs to have faith in himself. I asked to give him a blessing and it went really well. Pray for Christopher please!!!

This story about Christopher makes me think about a BYU speech by Brad Wilcox. I have recently had the opportunity to listen to this talk again and share it with a very important person in my life. The topic is that Christ's grace is sufficient. What he means by that is that Christ paid for ALL of our sins, temptations, sicknesses, disabilities, afflictions, etc. Sometimes we feel that we aren't enough. Sometimes we do things that we aren't very proud of. Sometimes we feel like we can't live up to the standards of the gospel and it is just too hard. However, what Brad Wilcox explains that Christ will never give up on us. He will be begging for us to return to Him. He won't be saying ah sorry dude, you don't fit the criteria for the Celestial Kingdom, bummer. No. He will be begging us to have faith in Him, repent, and use His atonement and return to him. I always thought I'd be the one begging God for the Celestial Kingdom but in this talk Brad Wilcox explains that God and Jesus will be begging us to return and live with them in the Celestial Kingdom. 

At times I have felt insanely lost and dumb before the mission, in the mission, and probably after the mission. But what I wanted to explain to this very important person in my life and to you all, is that we are enough. We sin and we disappoint ourselves. All of us have experienced it. But I know that we are saved. I know that we will be forgiven if we WANT to be forgiven. We are known and we are loved. We just need to show our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ that we are thankful for them and that we want to be with them. I love you all so much and hope that we can all understand that Jesus's grace is sufficient!

Link to “His grace is sufficient”:

Scripture of the Week: 

Titus 2:11 “For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men”

Tito 2:11 “Porque la gracia de Dios que trae salvación a todos los hombres se ha manifestado”

La Vista de Quetzal

I love my mother for sending me to my mom
Happy Mother's Day to the best mom out there!
Love you mama England

Mi Mama

Monday, May 6, 2024


New Comp Elder Pérez

Wow crazy week!! You guys won't believe how much CHANGE has happened this past week. Change is all I have been asking for lately and I got it it!!!!

First off, Monday was super fun. We haven't had fun P-days for the past 12 weeks so I was due to have a good time. Elder Richardson from the Santiago 1 area made an Escape room.

He is actually a genious. It felt like a real escape room that you pay a lot of money to do. We finished in 53 minutes and beat the other half of the zone. It was so freaking fun ngl. Later that night we said goodbye to Rosalia for Elder Martinez because he left on Tuesday in the morning so we said goodbye on Monday night. However, that night she told us that she wants to get baptized!!! So we filled up the font immediately and got her baptized at 6 am the next morning! Obviously it was short notice so 0 members were able to come so it was just us 4 missionaries in Santiago who were there. It was so awesome and she was so happy to be baptized. Our Heavenly Father really worked a miracle and helped us out a ton on this one

I GOT TRANSFERED! I was super sick of Santiago so I'm pumped to be out. I'm in Milagro Central which is in Guatemala City and so far so good. Everyone said “ooof” when they found out where I was going because apparently it sucks. In our Zone there can't be any Sister missionaries because it's too dangerous. Definitely a super different feel than Santiago hahaha but there is a Walmart literally across the street from our house so I'm pumped about that. They have ego waffles!

My new comp is Elder Perez. A different Elder Perez than my trainer though. He is from Mexico and is superrrr quiet. I try and talk to him so much and sometimes he just doesn’t respond haha. He’s super sick tho. Big teddy bear. He only has 5 months in the mission and doesn’t know the area very well and I definitely don't know anything about the area because I have 3 days here lol. We good though, getting the ball rolling fs. It’s been superrr hot and we walk a lot because he gets lost so much hahah so we are burning some calories!

Scripture of the Week:

Romans 8:38-39 “38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord”

Romanos 8:38-39 “38 Por lo cual estoy convencido de que ni la muerte, ni la vida, ni ángeles, ni principados, ni potestades, ni lo presente, ni lo por venir, 39 ni lo alto, ni lo profundo, ni ninguna otra cosa creada nos podrá apartar del amor de Dios, que es en Cristo Jesús, Señor nuestro”

Rosaliaaa got baptized

Bye Rosalia 

Familia Petzey


    ANGELS Mi Cuate Yo super lit week this week. Definitely one of the most tired weeks that I’ve had in a long time. This week we have been...