Tuesday, May 21, 2024



Yo Ruddup, another long week but we made it to P-day. My comp is funny lol. He really does not like Americans. He thinks we are so stupid, it's pretty funny though ngl. He's always talking smoke on us to all the members. He really wants to learn English though, so that's good at least.

Our baptism unfortunately fell because we couldn't meet with him much to get all of the lessons in, but this Saturday, it is for sure. He's such a goat. Pray for Christopher please!!

The area is super eh ngl. I am learning it a lot better, which saves a lot of time. It's the house that is really starting to get to me. We haven't had water for 3 weeks. Our sink sometimes works and our shower has only worked twice in the past 3 weeks. So it's been bucket showers the whole time and it has started to rain a lottt and our ceiling has started to leak which really sucks so much. It leaks onto my bed sometimes lol. The sink has stopped working though, so today we had to shower at the ZL's house. 

Honestly the work has been pretty slow here and I don't have many people to write about, we are trying to find more people to teach but it's a lil difficult. We always find really awesome people to teach and then they just say nah, I don't have time and it’s super hard to meet with people. That is one thing I miss about Santiago, people always had time and were always in their houses.

Side note for the week is that I committed to play lacrosse at UVU after the mission! Super pumped to get back and play. I did have my brother in-law sign into my instagram and collab with UVU for my commitment post. I AM STILL IN GUATEMALA and NOT on instagram hahaha. Thought I could clarify that lol. Anyway, we're good here in Milagro and we are getting better and we will see more miracles as time goes by. Love you guys and hope all is well at home!

Scripture of the Week:

Acts 14:3 “Long time therefore abode they speaking boldly in the Lord, which gave testimony unto the word of his grace, and granted signs and wonders to be done by their hands.”

Hechos 14:3 “Con todo eso, se detuvieron allí mucho tiempo, hablando con osadía acerca del Señor, el cual daba testimonio de la palabra de su gracia, concediendo que se hiciesen señales y milagros por las manos de ellos.”

Mi Compa


Go 'Rines

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    ANGELS Mi Cuate Yo super lit week this week. Definitely one of the most tired weeks that I’ve had in a long time. This week we have been...