Tuesday, June 4, 2024


Christopher's Baptism

Crazy fast week this week and a bap! We hit 40 weeks on the mish too. Honestly it is kinda a lot ngl so congrats to all the homies on making it this far w me lol. So Christopher finally got baptized on Friday! He is such a goat. He's 14 and honestly has great potential and will be an amazing missionary. I was lucky and he asked me to baptize him. It is always a cool experience to be in the water. We also confirmed our fechas with Miriam and Dulce. I don't remember if I have mentioned them but Miriam is a sweet old lady and Dulce is a cute little 9 year old girl(different families). They are awesome and I am pumped for their baptism. We also are about to put another fecha with our Bishop’s mom! She has met with the missionaries and with our Bishop for years obviously but we visited her last week and she said she is finally down to hop in the water. So we are going to meet with her and Bishop and see what day would be best for them.

We are seeing a lot of miracles here ngl. It's a funny joke because our President always says there's always “Milagros en la zona Milagro, en el área de Milagro Central”. Translated it just means that our zone is called Miracle, and our area is called Miracle Central so there are always miracles here. My comp hates it because he says it's super corny lol. But the truth is it's true. God is blessing us with people to teach and he is helping them along the path to the tree of life and in all honesty it is just fun to watch and it is amazing to be a part of.

My thought for this email is obedience. In my interview that I had with President this week he told me that obedience is the key that will bring happiness. Obviously obedience is stressed on the mission but I never really thought about obedience before or after the mission. The word was mostly just a word my mom told me to do in elementary school and in primary but it is so true for life. In the mission is it super easy to pick and choose with rules we want to follow and don't want to. Maybe our companions, other missionaries, our President can judge us for our obedience or disobedience but at the end of the day it's us who is blessed or not. Same with life. It is super easy to follow some commandments but not others. Maybe people will judge when we say no to Alcohol and some will judge us for not paying our tithing. At the end of the day though, those judgements are just side effects. What matters is that we obey the first great commandment which is to love God with all our heart, sould, and mind. Obedience is a way to show our heavenly father how much we love him. If we want to receive love from our heavenly father, we have to show that same love through obedience to all of his commandments. We will be blessed based on our obedience and that is something I have learned this transfer. So be OBEDIENT and LOVE our heavenly so that he can bless us

Love all of you and I am dying to hear from a lot of you. If you are reading this and think I don't think about you I promise I do. All of you. So write a quick email, the inbox is dry lol

Scripture of the Week:

D&C 98:11 “And I give unto you a commandment, that ye shall forsake all evil and cleave unto all good, that ye shall live by every word which proceedeth forth out of the mouth of God.”

DyC 98:11 “Y os doy un mandamiento, que vosotros desechéis todo lo malo y os alleguéis a todo lo bueno, y que viváis de acuerdo con toda palabra que sale de la boca de Dios.”

Reyes de Milagro

Saber, Couple of Guats

Throwback lake pic

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