Tuesday, September 24, 2024


My family in Antigua Guatemala

First I wanted to start off this email by saying I love you all so much. This week was a great week for me to appreciate the mission and how much it has taught me. How much I have grown over the past 13 months and how much stronger my testimony is.

This week I had the opportunity to do a lot of divisions. We met a lot of people who need the Atonement and need the hope and happiness that it brings. I talked to a sister in San Pedro when I was on divisions with Elder Bolaños and every time I meet someone new, which is A LOT, they ask me about my background because I look Latino but they say my accent sucks lol. Where I'm from. I usually hit em with Uruguay or a Honduras. Then I tell the real story. This sister in particular loved my story and told me, she has an adopted son and he's 6, but he doesn't know. Then she asked me, how did your parents tell you? I joked with her and said well they didn't have to, I'm brown they are very very white(sorry England Fam) so I really didn't have to be told. But no no, the real story is that I have always known because my parents have grown up telling me that. They have taught my siblings to teach me that as well, which might have been hard to understand. Davis, Sophie and Maggie were all under the age of 10 when I was born so it would have been a lil hard to understand I bet. My parents always taught that families are who we make them. Our biological blood line doesn’t affect that “England” is the last name I had in the pre-mortal life as well. 

It reminds me of an experience that sticks in my head today as if I was reliving it again. I was little. Probably about 10 years old. We dropped Sophie off at dance and I asked my mom if we could go to Wendy's because I was hungry. We went and that Wendy’s was disgusting, we waited for a good 20 minutes and it was one of the worst Wendy's meals I had ever eaten.  That 20 minutes of them preparing the worst Wendy's meal ever, changed my life and perspective. I asked my mom why she adopted me and how it all happened. She explained and then she started tearing up. She said, “There is no doubt in my mind that you are supposed to be a part of this family. And because we were sealed in the temple, we will be a family forever”. I tell that story to a lot and especially to this sister I met in San Pedro.  I told her, you will always be your son’s mom, no matter what, and by the power of the priesthood, families can be together forever. 

I love the England family that I have and there is no doubt I am supposed to be an England. There is also no doubt in my mind that I have other family as well. That my family extends to those around me in my life. I remember it was late January and we had mission prep and I got a major answer to right a wrong that I had made. A big mistake that I had made. So I went up to the house in Tavaci, still wasn't built yet and my brother Schwendy came too. We talked and then he left, then he came back up because he knew something was up and we talked about it and he was there for me. My brother Sam Schwendiman has always been there for me and continues to be there for me even when tough times are passing in his life. He has changed my life and he continues to change it along with thousands of others across the world.

I know families are forever, and I know this is the true church. The same church that Jesus Christ established anciently was restored and because of that, families WILL be together forever. I love you all so much

Please know that and know that your Father in Heaven loves you too!

Alma 40:12 “And then shall it come to pass, that the spirits of those who are righteous are received into a state of happiness, which is called paradise, a state of rest, a state of peace, where they shall rest from all their troubles and from all care, and sorrow.”

Alma 40:12 “Y sucederá que los espíritus de los que son justos serán recibidos en un estado de felicidad que se llama paraíso: un estado de descanso, un estado de paz, donde descansarán de todas sus aflicciones, y de todo cuidado y pena.”

My Family - love you Schwendy

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