Wednesday, October 16, 2024


Guatemala Temple with Michael

Super quick week so that means a super quick email.

It started off with going to the Temple and I had a pretty amazing experience. After the past 3 General Conferences that I've had in the mission, I have wanted to go to the Temple so much. To be able to go for the first time since the MTC, made me so happy. We did baptisms for the dead with Michael and they were fun to do but wow the Temple here is tiny. In Mexico and in Utah the bathrooms/changing rooms are huge and the font is obviously super big as well. But here in Guat it’s all tiny, and especially the font. The room was set up super cool though. I baptized Michael and then he baptized me and it was so awesome to see how far he has come. We met him about 3 months ago and to think in such little time he has made it to the Temple to baptize people on the other side of the veil is incredible.

I also had the chance to head into the Celestial room afterwards and I had a great experience. I've been super disappointed in the work that has gone on in San Raymundo but I prayed and felt the assurance that I did what I needed and it was time to look forward and finish strong.

We found 2 great and BIG families and we got a couple of them to come to church. We had to go and get em up outta bed but we still got em lol. The other families we have been teaching have made some amazing progress as well and I am so glad I had the opportunity to have the last week and set up something good for next transfer. We'll see if I get transfered, feel like I will, but it’ll be good no matter what. 

Love you all and I would love to hear from you guys, it's been a minute .

Stay safe

Scripture of the Week: 

Alma 26:22 “Yea, he that repenteth and exerciseth faith, and bringeth forth good works, and prayeth continually without ceasing—unto such it is given to know the mysteries of God; yea, unto such it shall be given to reveal things which never have been revealed; yea, and it shall be given unto such to bring thousands of souls to repentance, even as it has been given unto us to bring these our brethren to repentance”

Alma 26:22 “Sí, al que se arrepiente y ejerce la fe y produce buenas obras y ora continuamente sin cesar, a este le es permitido conocer los misterios de Dios; sí, a este le será permitido revelar cosas que nunca han sido reveladas; sí, y a este le será concedido llevar a miles de almas al arrepentimiento, así como a nosotros se nos ha permitido traer a estos nuestros hermanos al arrepentimiento”

Obispo (Bishop)

3 Amigos

(Lazy missionaries)

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