Super L week this last week for work but it's chill. We'll bounce back this week fs. Everyone we found last week was super sick and then this week we couldn't get a hold of them. We fasted to help out the area on Friday and it went really well. We'll see what God has in store for Alotenango this week.
I really want to focus on a cool miracle this week that happened personally. I got a text from my old area that said one of the investigators I taught named Dulce was getting baptized and she asked for me to go and baptize her. It was such an honor to do so and I was so pumped to do it. When I first met her she was very different. She had so many questions about the church. She also commented at the end of the lesson that she had been super depressed and even suicidal and felt alone and didn't feel God in her life. It was a super emotional lesson for her and honestly for us too. After that lesson I didn't see much of her. I got transferred and it's been a couple months since San Raymundo. But when I saw her today she looked different and a lot happier. She was still super nervous and her usual anxious self though.
When we started to go into the font she kept saying that she didn't want to and that it was better to do it another day. I just said yes you do, get in the water lol. So she did and stopped being so dramatic haha but we did the baptism first try and she did so well. I was so proud of her. Then after she received the Holy Ghost is when I really saw the difference. Her appearance looked different and she seemed so full of peace. A peace that I'm sure she has not felt in a very long time. She leaned over to me after and said that she felt so peaceful and felt like she was reborn. Obviously I told her that's because she was reborn and a remission of sins by the gift of the Holy Ghost will do that to ya haha. Overall such a cool experience and I'm so grateful she gave me the opportunity to baptize her. Hoy sí hay fiesta en los cielos.
I wanted to share a quick thought along with that little story. When we feel the Holy Ghost we rejoice. We feel happy. We feel peace. We feel love. We feel a forgiveness of our sins. When I meet people I always ask them what they like to do. And they answer with whatever it is they like to do. Obviously we're all different and like different things. Different things make us happy. But there is one thing that everyone has in common. That is when we feel the spirit, everyone loves it. EVERYONE. It's a feeling we all know but can't explain. But it's more powerful and worth more than anything in the world. And we can feel it when we follow the commandments like Dulce did this weekend.
I love you all so much and I invite you all to focus on being obedient and paying more attention to the spirit this week. Stay safe!
Scripture of the week:
John 14:26 “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.”
Juan 14:26 “Mas el Consolador, el Espíritu Santo, a quien el Padre enviará en mi nombre, él os enseñará todas las cosas, y os recordará todo lo que os he dicho.”
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