Wednesday, February 26, 2025


Alea Run

Yo super good week this last week. We finally weren't sick and were able to get out and finish the transfer strong. We got transfer news on Tuesday and I found out I was leaving. One of the first times I've been super sad to leave an área. I didn't accomplish everything I wanted to but I was able to reflect on everything and realize that we did do some great work here and that the members here are a lot stronger in testimony and are a lot more involved in the missionary work. The ward also started helping our group a lot more and there is a great plan set up for the area. Super pumped to hear about it. 

Well I got transferred on Thursday to Sololá. I made it back out to the lake and I'm pumped to be here. I'm here with Elder Mcomber and he's awesome. We got along great and we have a lot of great ideas for this transfer. We've got a great ward and in the short amount of time we have together we are starting to see progress. Biggest focus of this transfer is for sure going to be on working with the members. We have both seen success the most in our missions by working with members and we are super energized and ready to go. This transfer is going to be awesome.

Not too much to share other than that but I know that these next 6 months are going to fly. Hit 18 months and I have always heard that once you hit 18 months, it just flys and you can keep track of time. Before I know it, it'll come to an end and I really have been worried about whether or not I'm going to be ready. I have been worried about not being converted enough. Then I realized that if I'm worrying about it, I won't be ready. Kinda crazy that it's taken me 18 months to realize what getting lost in the work really means. I just have got to do what I need to do and these next 6 months will be the best 6 months of the mish. We all need to do this. The best thing we can all do right now is stop worrying so much about work, school, etc, and just breathe. Study the scriptures. Say prayers everyday and every night. Do the simple things and we will all accomplish the things that we need to. 

Love you all

Miss you. Stay safe

Scripture of the Week:

Matthew 7:24-27 “24 ¶ Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: 25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. 26 And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: 27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.”

Mateo 7:24-27 “24 A cualquiera, pues, que me oye estas palabras y las hace, le compararé a un hombre prudente que edificó su casa sobre la roca. 25 Y descendió la lluvia, y vinieron ríos, y soplaron vientos y azotaron aquella casa; pero no cayó, porque estaba fundada sobre la roca. 26 Y a cualquiera que me oye estas palabras y no las hace, le compararé a un hombre insensato que edificó su casa sobre la arena. 27 Y descendió la lluvia, y vinieron ríos, y soplaron vientos y dieron con ímpetu contra aquella casa; y cayó, y fue grande su ruina.”

Elder Mcomber

Aguas de Mormon

Wednesday, February 19, 2025



Super insanely mid week. We had a super fun P-day tho and played a lot of pickleball. On Tuesday we had district council and it was super good. Presidente pulled up and gave a lot of great advice for us and it was good. Hermana Probst also made us brownies and they were so gas. We also gave 3 plates to the Bishopric. It was fun going around and giving them to the Bishopric and their wives.  They were all excited. It's sad cause the Bishopric doesn't get ministered to, so that means neither do their families. The wives lit up and it was amazing. We all gotta remember that everyone needs ministration, especially the leaders!

On Tuesday night we met with a lot of members and taught them all lessons which went super well. One of the families offered us dinner and obviously we accepted. Bad choice. We got food poisoning and that took us out for a good 2 and a half days lol. The 3rd day we were so sick of being inside that we went out anyway and visited some families. Super worth it. 

I realized how awesome it is to not be sick and how having a healthy body is such an amazing gift. There are so many things we can't do without a healthy body so I really appreciated my health this last week. I remember sitting in testimony meeting a couple months ago and heard a guy who got his leg amputated say that it was a blessing. He said ever since the amputation he had felt more of the love from his Heavenly Father and how much Jesus Christ was there. Got me thinking about how afflictions are blessings. They help us grow and learn. We need them to progress and I know God would never give us trials and afflictions out of anger or just for fun. He does it because He loves us and He's sad when it happens, but He is cheering us on the whole way and Jesus Christ is with us the whole way.

Love you all and it's been a while since I've heard from you guys. Please stay safe and reach out!!

Scripture of the Week:

Mosiah 14:10 “Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him; he hath put him to grief; when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand.”

Mosíah 14:10 “Mas quiso el Señor quebrantarlo; le ha causado aflicción; cuando hagas de su alma ofrenda por el pecado, él verá su linaje, prolongará s

District council with President and Sister Probst

La Zona Engazada

Huge Groms - Our ride

Monday, February 10, 2025


Chino y Noemy

Yo super mid week for the work but it ended great. I feel like here in Alotenango always get only a super bad week or a super good week. Or a good weekend or a bad one. It is always so up and down here and it really takes it out of ya but I love it.

We met with a lot of investigators this past week and their progress has been super bad. They haven’t been keeping their commitments and it has been super frustrating. I think I have had 6 investigators, some that include their families as well, tell me that they know the Book of Mormon is true and that they want to try and make a change in their lives and they do so well for about a week. Then they just ghost us. Not even an exaggeration either, they literally ghost us and we try for about 2 weeks to contact them and we cant find them. It’s super frustrating and sad and we just wonder what happened that made them go from one side to the opposite. Elder Steere and I had a good talk one day and it really helped us get more motivated.

I remember feeling this way when I was in San Raymundo with Elder Giles about 6 months ago. I remember I felt like we weren't teaching good enough because the spirit was there all the time and they felt it, but would reject it. So I remember that transfer we went to the temple and I entered the celestial room and just knelt down and prayed. I remember asking Heavenly Father why we weren't seeing success and after I finished the prayer I opened up the scriptures and I opened up to Juan 12:42. I love in these scriptures how even though they saw THE SON OF GOD physically, and believed on Him, they still turned away. I feel like now I need that reminder that hey, it might not be something that I am doing but maybe just the fact that they aren’t ready to accept the church even though they know it is true. They value too many things over Christ’s church and that is why they don’t convert. 

Honestly Alotenango has kicked my butt and sometimes I want to just lose my mind, and sometimes I do. It has really been the most humbling experience ever and I am so grateful for the time that I have had here and I hope to keep going with more motivation and faith in the people here for the rest of the transfer. 

Love you all and hope you all have the best week. As always feel free to reach out, I miss you guys. Stay Safe

Scripture of the Week:

John 12:42 “Nevertheless among the chief rulers also many believed on him; but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue:”

Juan 12:42 “Con todo eso, aun de los gobernantes, muchos creyeron en él; pero a causa de los fariseos no lo confesaban, para no ser expulsados de la sinagoga.”

Shout out to Sprendie

Tuesday, February 4, 2025


Elder Steere

Hey what's up, pretty good week this week. Didn't end super strong but we good, we'll keep going. We are making slow progress with our families and that's ok, obviously we would like them to make more progress but it's ok, God will provide.

I was on divisions this last Tuesday with Elder Meldrum in my District and it was super sick. Bro is super funny and loves to have fun. We were contacting a lot of the people that me and Elder Steere had contacted before and had 0 luck. However, we did end up finding a super cool family. We saw the mom walk in the front door while we were walking by so we decided to go knock it. A bunch of kids came out so I talked to em and asked em if they had a ball to play with, so they got their ball and all came out and we played with them for a bit. It was super lit. Then after, they got their moms to come out and we contacted em and got an appointment for Thursday. So then me and Elder Steere went back on Thursday and it was super lit. There were even more kids and we played soccer and shared a message with aunts, uncles, parents, cousins, grandparents. It was sick. Then after the lesson they wanted to play even more and the dad even came out and started playing with us and was laughing, giving us high fives, hugs, everything. It was super lit. They were working this Sunday but I'm hoping we can start visiting them more often and get them to church soon! A couple of investigators that we had dropped a couple weeks ago reached out to us and 2 of em came to church this Sunday. It made us super happy and I'm excited to see if this time they want to start taking everything a bit more seriously. 

I'm super stressed in the area and it's a tough one. Definitely the hardest one I've had yet but I have been thinking a lot about faith. I know, super basic, but I have realized that I have a LONG way to go with my faith/trust in the Lord's plan for Alotenango. A couple scriptures that I have been thinking about a lot are Isaiah 55:8-9.  We get very frustrated sometimes and we all wish we could just have it our way. But what we can learn from these verses is that He knows what's best for us and He has a much better plan for us than we do for ourselves. To have faith is to trust in His plans and understand that what we want isn’t always what is best.

Love you all and hope to hear from you all this week

Stay safe and have faith

Scripture of the Week:

Isaiah 55:8-9 “¶ For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaías 55:8-9 “8 Porque mis pensamientos no son vuestros pensamientos, ni vuestros caminos mis caminos, dice Jehová. 9 Como son más altos los cielos que la tierra, así son mis caminos más altos que vuestros caminos, y mis pensamientos más que vuestros pensamientos.”

Julio and friends

Links en Guat -
Golfing with the District

Stimp - 15



    ANGELS Mi Cuate Yo super lit week this week. Definitely one of the most tired weeks that I’ve had in a long time. This week we have been...