Monday, February 10, 2025


Chino y Noemy

Yo super mid week for the work but it ended great. I feel like here in Alotenango always get only a super bad week or a super good week. Or a good weekend or a bad one. It is always so up and down here and it really takes it out of ya but I love it.

We met with a lot of investigators this past week and their progress has been super bad. They haven’t been keeping their commitments and it has been super frustrating. I think I have had 6 investigators, some that include their families as well, tell me that they know the Book of Mormon is true and that they want to try and make a change in their lives and they do so well for about a week. Then they just ghost us. Not even an exaggeration either, they literally ghost us and we try for about 2 weeks to contact them and we cant find them. It’s super frustrating and sad and we just wonder what happened that made them go from one side to the opposite. Elder Steere and I had a good talk one day and it really helped us get more motivated.

I remember feeling this way when I was in San Raymundo with Elder Giles about 6 months ago. I remember I felt like we weren't teaching good enough because the spirit was there all the time and they felt it, but would reject it. So I remember that transfer we went to the temple and I entered the celestial room and just knelt down and prayed. I remember asking Heavenly Father why we weren't seeing success and after I finished the prayer I opened up the scriptures and I opened up to Juan 12:42. I love in these scriptures how even though they saw THE SON OF GOD physically, and believed on Him, they still turned away. I feel like now I need that reminder that hey, it might not be something that I am doing but maybe just the fact that they aren’t ready to accept the church even though they know it is true. They value too many things over Christ’s church and that is why they don’t convert. 

Honestly Alotenango has kicked my butt and sometimes I want to just lose my mind, and sometimes I do. It has really been the most humbling experience ever and I am so grateful for the time that I have had here and I hope to keep going with more motivation and faith in the people here for the rest of the transfer. 

Love you all and hope you all have the best week. As always feel free to reach out, I miss you guys. Stay Safe

Scripture of the Week:

John 12:42 “Nevertheless among the chief rulers also many believed on him; but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue:”

Juan 12:42 “Con todo eso, aun de los gobernantes, muchos creyeron en él; pero a causa de los fariseos no lo confesaban, para no ser expulsados de la sinagoga.”

Shout out to Sprendie

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