Thursday, September 21, 2023


What uppp, Elder England here. Short email this week. This week was not as great as last week but we good, we'll bounce back. Home sickness is getting a lil more intense. Not just on a quick lil church vacation with the boys anymore haha. 

This week was pretty filled with a whole lot of nothing. Obviously there have been plenty of spiritual experiences, great devos, and as always the best district reviews that get the tears flowing. This week though I have been thinking about family a lot (being home sick ofc) but mostly how families can be together forever. My niece was born this week! Shout out to Poppy and Davis and Syd!!! So happy my family gets to hold a cute new baby while I am in Mexico City, so happy for you guys

For real though families are literally the best thing in the entire world and I have just been thinking how much of a miracle each and every family is. It is so beautiful to see my siblings' own families grow just like our family did not too long ago. I am so thankful for my family and all of the new friends I have made here that I get to call my family for the next 2 years. Thousands of brothers and sisters across the world doesn't seem too bad to me. Everyone text a member of your family and tell them how much you love em, that's your homework this week.

I was reminded of a scripture that I think is straight bars that I would love to share with all you husbands out there. You guys better memorize this

Scripture of the week:

D&C 42:22 " Thou shalt love thy wife with all thy heart, and shalt cleave unto her and none else"

Doctrina y Convenios 42:22 " Amarás a tu esposa con todo tu corazón, y te allegarás a ella y a ninguna otra"

Sam and Konrad left for the mission field this past week

Handstand pic took at least 10 tries!

Posting up with Kleenex

Doritos in Mexico



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    ANGELS Mi Cuate Yo super lit week this week. Definitely one of the most tired weeks that I’ve had in a long time. This week we have been...