Thursday, September 28, 2023


Pre Mission Lesson

This week was pretty good and pretty fast. Crazy I got less than a week left til the real adventure begins. Although I am super excited, all the dawgs emails are getting me kinda nervous about living in a 3rd world country ngl. But it can't be worse than 6 hours of Spanish class.

We teach lessons every Saturday morning in Spanish. Our first 2 lessons were just teaching CCM teachers but it was still great. Our last one though was a 13 year old kid. It was so cool teaching him. He was quiet but he had a strong testimony that hit me and Elder Dobson. It made us so excited to get to Guatemala to teach and get to know all of the kids. Also I explained to Elder Dobson that me at 13 years old was playing way too much Fortnite.  I was an annoying cocky little kid lol. I'm so excited to get to know all the humble kids of Guatemala. Other than that it has been the same old, just a lot of volleyball and we threw some pickleball in there. I still suck at Kendama though but am making progress. I have 2 years left to get better.

In our Tuesday devotional we listened to a clip of President Nelson talk about the Book of Mormon. He said that he always hears "I know the Book of Mormon is true". He said "That is great, BUT it is simply not enough". In my experience I can testify of this. We all need to love the Book of Mormon, have a testimony of it, and study it intently every single day. The Book of Mormon plus The Spirit is the best resource that we are able to access. I promise this Book is the answer to all of our questions no matter what it is when we have faith and the gift of the Holy Ghost. President Allred showed us a video of a steak being smoked and prepared and cut. It was so mean because the food here absolutely sucks. But he compared that steak to the Book of Mormon. We need to FEAST on it just as much as a good filet. I don't have the option to have a good filet out here but I do have the Book of Mormon to feast on and devour. All of you guys who are at home, have a good filet and study or listen to the Book of Mormon before or after your meal. Or better yet while you eat your meal.

I am missing you all like crazy, and would love emails from you guys. Been missing LAX like crazy, wish the dawgs good luck against Xly today in there scrimmage. Go bengals,

Xly sucks.

Scripture of the week:

John 14:26 "But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you."

Juan 14:26 "Mas el Consolador, el Espíritu Santo, a quien el Padre enviará en mi nombre, él os enseñará todas las cosas, y os recordará todo lo que os he dicho."

Last Temple Day

Elder Summerhays is the goat

Me and the Latinos

Weekly pic with Elder Mathews

Go Bengals

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