Monday, October 30, 2023


Rain is terrible

What uppp, I am happy to say this past week has been amazing!! We have been working hard here in San Martin and it has been well worth it. I also am loving the city so much. When I first got here my attitude was focus on all the bad things about the city but now I have switched it and I am happy here. It's beautiful and I have friends here now!! I still am not a fan of how dirty I feel 24/7 and eating with my hands is the worst. But all the Élders say you get used to it, I'm not too convinced.

We started English classes this week, which has been so fun. We have been teaching just little classes and none of them are members which was the goal. Obviously we want to teach them English but the main idea is to get them in the church and be comfortable around us. We do them just twice a week and it is hilarious. There are about half adults and half kids. Small classes of like 10. These classes worked to perfection. It's a fun way to have fun with everyone and it is hilarious listening to the adults try to speak English. The kids are way better than the adults. I realize how hard English is to learn though, we have so many things that just don't make sense but oh well. That's not the main point though. We invited all of them to come to church and 5 of them came!! Watching them come through the door was mind blowing. I couldn't believe it

We also had 2 others attend the church. This guy saw a post we made on facebook and he called us and said he needed to talk to us. I am grateful for the modern day tool of technology because otherwise we may have never found him. But we gave him a lesson on the restoration. It was cool because in lessons I usually understand around 10-15 percent of what is said but I just understood everything he was saying. He said he believed in Joseph Smith and that he believes the Book of Mormon is true even though he hasn't even read it yet. He said he could just feel something telling him it was true. Milagrosss. Anyway he and his son came to church and stayed for the 2nd hour and man it just made me so happy. 

Missions are still very tough haha, but wow, the spirit really does his job well. If we all just do our part in anything, the spirit and God will take care of the rest. I testify that this is true.

Scripture of the week:

Mosiah 2:21 "I say unto you that if ye should serve him who has created you from the beginning, and is preserving you from day to day, by lending you breath, that ye may live and move and do according to your own will, and even supporting you from one moment to another—I say, if ye should serve him with all your whole souls yet ye would be unprofitable servants"

Mosíah 2:21 "os digo que si sirvieseis a aquel que os ha creado desde el principio, y os está preservando día tras día, dándoos aliento para que podáis vivir, moveros y obrar según vuestra propia voluntad, y aun sustentándoos momento tras momento, digo que si lo sirvieseis con toda vuestra alma, todavía seríais servidores improductivos"

Clases de inglés gratis

Our little English class

Jesus (this little kid) is my best friend

Me and Perez on top of San Martin

OG pic

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