Monday, October 23, 2023


San Martin

Hello all!! I hit 2 months this week. Wow anyone who says time flies is wrong. Just kidding but not really. This week went by a lot faster than usual though. My first full week here in San Martin has been full of ups and downs, this place is crazy.

We have 4 really serious investgators that have so much potential and other contacts that I think could get to this point with a little more work and effort. We have been working real hard trying to turn things around here. There have been 3 baptisms here in 3 years before it was closed down for a year. No one here has heard of missionaries or the church before and most people are Católico and Evangélico. Usually when they have a religion they are so nice and hear us out then decline and say that they can't change their religion (which I don't blame em), I wouldn't change mine either but we still try and tell them they can. lol. But Sunday proselyting is real tough. They do not appreciate when you try and talk to them about another religion after they just had church. It's kinda funny cause they get mad at me and my comp and I don't understand a thing. I think it's a good thing I don't speak the language good because afterward I always ask Élder Pérez what they said and he always types it out in google translate for me. Sometimes I'm like wow, good for you for being kind and patient with them because some things they say are offensive and bazar. If I understood, I would probably take a jab back at them. So I gotta learn patience too by the time I get good at Spanish.  I'm thinking I have got plenty of time lol.

We gave talks this last Sunday that went very well. I spoke on the Holy Ghost and was trying to think of a good story to tell them. As I was thinking I thought of some crazy and funny stories with the boys. I realized that we had some close calls on life a couple times. I'm thinking home was more dangerous with my friends than walking dark streets at night in Guatemala. Although, I haven't been held up at gun point yet. Shout out ELDER GROTTYHAT on not dying. Legend

Go Utes too!! Caleb Williams es un niño pequeño

Love and miss you all like crazy!! 

Scripture of the Week:

Ephesians 1:4 "According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love"

Efesios 1:4 " según nos escogió en él antes de la fundación del mundo, para que fuésemos santos y sin mancha delante de él, en amor"

Muy enfermo

Tuk Tuk 

I miss watching read football

First fade of the mish

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    ANGELS Mi Cuate Yo super lit week this week. Definitely one of the most tired weeks that I’ve had in a long time. This week we have been...