Tuesday, December 26, 2023


Last week with Élder Pérez

Short week this week so just a brief update because it’s Christmas and I don’t want to write a lot and I know you guys don’t want to read a lot.

This last week I had my last couple days with Elder Pérez. Bro’s the goat and I learned so much from him. I am so sad to see him go but also I am very excited to lead San Martin this next transfer

I am in Chimalt 2 with Elder Lewis and Elder Nordgren and it is lit. They are both gringos and they know how to have a good time. I have noticed the big difference in areas though. I haven’t paid for a meal since San Martin. All the members here love to feed us and it is so nice. They are all so lit and so funny. All of them speak a lil English but not too much so some of them are always swearing and saying stuff they don’t know the meaning of. lol

I get my new comp on the 29th and am nervous and excited to see who it is. Whoever it is, I know we’ll ball.

That’s it though, this last week has been fun but I can’t wait to get back to my friends in San Martin. Also shout out Oakley!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Also shout out to our Savior. The birth of Jesus Christ is the single greatest thing to happen in all of our lives!! Remember him today!

Scripture of the week: Mosiah 14:5

“But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed”

“Mas él herido fue por nuestras transgresiones, golpeado por nuestras iniquidades; y el castigo de nuestra paz fue sobre él; y con sus llagas somos sanado”

Élder Pérez saying goodbye to Billy and his family

Our dawg Pedro/bolo - with Elder Lewis and Elder Nordgren

Making, tying and eating Tomales

My artwork - pile of tomales

Throwback - Baby Bo and Baby Oaks

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

   3 DUNKS 

Billy, Valery & Michelle - 3 Dunks

Yooo what’s up! GREAT week this week. The best week and day of my mission this week so let’s dive in shall we.

Saturday and Sunday were the best days of the week. We had our baptisms on Saturdayyy! Valery, Michelle, and Billy!! It was such a beautiful meeting and the spirit was sooo strong. All their families came and a bunch from the branch so there was like 40 people there. Elder Pérez baptized 2 and the branch president baptized 1. I got to stay dry - however I did confirm Billy and that was really cool. I was kinda worried because of the language but it actually went great. I only needed help with the last part of the confirmation but everything else went good lol. Best blessing I have given fs. Better than the ones in English tbh. The kids looked so great in their all white and they were all so excited and nervous haha. It was the best. Right after Billy was dunked under the water he said, “Que Rico” with a big smile on his face.

Sunday was amazing because Elder Pérez gave his farewell talk to the branch and during it the family of Michelle and Valery walked in!! For some background info. Valery’s fam doesn’t come to church and is very inactive but not sure for how long. At least the 3 months I have been here they haven’t come once. Michelle’s fam hasn’t been to church in 4 years!! And 8 of them came and it was literally like Christmas morning. The families are related and came in together and I couldn’t stop looking back and smiling. Even though they are all members so it doesn’t count for our numbers, idec. The numbers counted in my heart.

Those were the 2 biggest highlights but we had a great week. I got today and tomorrow with Elder Pérez and then not sure where I’ll go and then a new comp on the 28th. It’s happy and sad at the same time. Hoping my new comp is a dawg

Scripture of the week:

D&C 6:36 “Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not”

D&C 6:36 “Mirad hacia mí en todo pensamiento; no dudéis; no temáis”

More from the baptism

Last Sunday with the Goat

Christmas package came early!
Christmas parade 

Me and Sylvia homies or sum

Go Soph!

Monday, December 11, 2023

    TRES FECHAS                      

Giving Billy a haircut

Yoooooo wuddup. I had another great week this week and it went by so fast. These past 2 weeks have definitely been the fastest two weeks yet. I realized there is sooo much that I just don’t say in the emails I have been sending so let me update you all really quick.

- We have been visiting inactive families a lottt because contacting is near impossible but you guys already knew that. However we put 2 more kids on a date this week!! Their families are inactive and we have been teaching and meeting with them a lot the past month or so. The 2 girls we have put on date are cousins!! So this Saturday we will be baptizing Billy, Michelle, and Valeri!!!!

- This kinda happened a while ago but Kimberly went psycho, cussed the Santay Family (Geovani,Sylvia, and Billy) out and fell off the edge of the earth. Really sad actually but yeah she returned our Book of Mormon and said peace. Satan is darn good at his job. But we keep our chins up and work cause Satan is a lil boy

- I get to stay in San Martin for at least one more transfer after this one!! President said I will be leading this area starting the 28th. Super pumped. I love San Martin. 

- I have to say goodbye to Elder Perez on the 20th, he is going home. He is a living legend in the mission, he will be missed by everyone and especially me. But since he is going home 8 days before transfers I get to hangout with a companionship for that time. Hoping it’s my district leader Elder Lewis!

- My language is not horrible. I am getting to the point where I know the language well enough now I have to start fixing the details of my grammar. I don’t feel left out of the convos anymore lol and I love understanding almost everything cause latinos are freaking hilarious. I still have a lot to learn, like A LOT. But if I were to train someone who knew 0 spanish, I would be confident that we could hold our own against Guatemala. 

That’s it for this week and the past couple weeks since I have been lazy with my emails. My fault. But the boys be shouting people out so ig I’ll hop on the train. 

Shoutout Con dawg neal

Shoutout kam32 for his wisdom teeth

Shoutout Bowser on a task successfully completed


Shoutout Sprendie, lindi wants you bro

Shoutout Millie June on walking and talking

Shoutout Ma and Pa for being the best abuelos in the world

Scripture of the week:

Luke 1:37 “For with God nothing shall be impossible”

Lucas 1:37 “porque ninguna cosa es imposible para Dios”

Sunday school with a stray

Futuro Misionero Billy

Monday, December 4, 2023


Fiesta de Pizza

Hey everyone, hope you guys are doing well! Fast week this week!! I did not have Dengue Fever this past week so I actually slept better. I did my first ever divisions this week with Elder Phillips and we made an official date for Billy. He said he doesn’t want to wait for his mom anymore so December 18th is the day. Sylvia still wants an answer to if she should get baptized. She has a crazy strong testimony and comes to church every week so not sure if she wants a vision or what but hoping that Sylvia can find the answer she wants. Geovani is a great help with his mom too which is so nice to have an extra missionary working on her. Also no one here can pronounce England so they call me Hermano Elder or Hermano Ingle lol.

This week was really fun. For our English classes we gave them a test on everything we have been learning. We had a review and then they took the test on Wednesday. I said, alright you guys, if you can all average above an 80 percent then we will have a pizza party for you all next English class. I thought idk man, 80% is kinda high, they are all really terrible at English! hahaha. But they Killed it!! They averaged a 93% and I was like bro what, they just be pretending not to know English. I was so excited though. But then I realized wow. this is gonna be a dent in my VERY limited budget so I had to call in the big guns. Thanks Mom and Dad for the Dominoes Pizza, it made their day! 

Divisions was super fun with Elder Philips and I got to explore Supongo for a day. Let me tell you, contacting there compared to San Martin is day and night. It was nice to have a day where people actually showed us some love and interest. There are so many fake Dunks and Jordans here but they are all wayyy too fake to even consider buying. But in Supongo there were some fake Dunks that looked great but the chick was trynna say they were real and sell em for 900 tookies. So that was a bummer I couldn’t get em. 

Anyways those are just a few highlights of the week. Spanish is definitely coming quickly but still have a good 4-5 months til I could consider myself fluent. I love my area even though the work is hard and am hoping I can stay here for at least one more transfer after this one. As Elder Sprendie said, the inbox is dry, you guys should definitely help a brotha out

Scripture of the week:

1 Nephi 3:7 “And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.”

1 Nefi 3:7 “Y sucedió que yo, Nefi, dije a mi padre: Iré y haré lo que el Señor ha mandado, porque sé que él nunca da mandamientos a los hijos de los hombres sin prepararles una vía para que cumplan lo que les ha mandado.”

Divisions with Elder Philips

La cabra (Billy)

"Hermano Ingle, It's Jesus!"

Me and my brothers during Christmas

    ANGELS Mi Cuate Yo super lit week this week. Definitely one of the most tired weeks that I’ve had in a long time. This week we have been...