Wednesday, January 3, 2024


Billy and Elder Barber! Happy New Year

Yo ruddup, Happy New Years!! 18th week!! 

I finished my time with Elder Lewis and Nordgren on Friday.  It was fun while it lasted but I was very ready to go back to may home in San Martin.  On Friday we went and picked up my new comp Elder Barber.  Bro's a legend.  He grew up like 15-20 minutes away from the Strand in Dana Point so we bonded over that.  He's a super hard worker too.  I for sure believe that President receives direct revelation on who should be companions.  We have had 2 work days and have more potential than ever.   

We have met a lot of new people and my past investigators are doing great. We set a date for Michelle’s aunt for the 20th of January. So lit. Elder Barber fits right into San Martin. For New years we hung out with Billy, Geovani. Sylvia, and the rest of their family. We all did little fireworks in the street and it was super fun. Then we had to be in the house but we could stay up until 12 so we went on our roof and watched all the fireworks. They all went off at 12 and it sounded like a warzone. It was soooo loud hahaha. A little bit sad though not gonna lie. Just sitting up on the roof of an Apartment in Guatemala on new years kinda got me in my feels lol. But that’s beta so we don’t let it affect us.

We also contacted this very Catholic man and set up our first “fight” on Friday. He was actually very nice but he just spoke from his head. Our plan is to go, talk about faith because faith isn’t a fact, it’s a belief, action, and testimony. So we will go share a scripture about faith, bare our testimonies, leave, and just hope that he feels The Spirit, because that is one thing he doesn’t have.

That’s really it because I was in Chimalt in a different area doin nothin most of the week - lol,  and only have 2 days back here but a good two days. I am so excited for this transfer and I know we can make crazy progress in these next 6 weeks. 

Scripture of the Week:

Mathew 6:24 “24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon”

Mateo 6:24 “Ninguno puede servir a dos señores, porque o aborrecerá al uno y amará al otro, o se apegará al uno y menospreciará al otro; no podéis servir a Dios y a las riquezas”

Goated trio for a week

Me and future baptism Sylvia

A couple of champions

Throwback to home MTC

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