Friday, January 12, 2024


Elder Barber?

Que onda amigos?  Very successful week this week.  It is such a grind with Elder Barber!  We made great contacts and have more potential than ever in San Martin.  He has made me a lot better at bing “Alpha” which is what he loves to strive to be.  He is such a funny guy and we get along so good.  He always has podcasts on about the church and has so many motivational audio recordings on his phone.  One of the motivational audio recordings is his alarm.  It’s some army guy just yelling at us to get out of bed and if we don’t we’re weak and we won’t survive in the world lol.  It’s so funny but it makes me realize how lazy I am. I wasted a lot of hours in my life sleeping in haha and probably will continue to do that after the mission.  So beta but I started to exercise and do pushups and man I am so weak but it’s a start.  We good tho, we ain’t beta anymore.  

I love all the motivational recordings too because it relates so much to missions, the gospel, and just everything about life.  One of the motivational recordings is about how bad things happen in life and that’s just part of it.  So when bad things happen this guy says, “Good”.

It would be so nice for life to be perfect for us.  To never have problems, trials, or mistakes.  This is the plan that Satan proposed.  For us to not have free agency and for life to be perfect so we can’t sin.  When bad things happen we can learn, change, repent, grow, etc.  The plan Jesus proposed is for us to have our free agency, make mistakes, have bad things happen that we can’t control, and learn from it.  We can’t experience true happiness if we don’t know true pain. 

Love you all, hope all is well wherever and with whatever you guys are doing.  Email me por favor! I think it’s cool.

Also, shoutout Sprendie for having the most mid mission in the world.  Bro really thinks Fiji is better than Guatemala, Peru, Honduras, France, Tahiti, California, Singapore, Chile, Samoa and Bolivia/Oregon.  Que raro.

Scripture of the week:

Alma 37:33 “Preach unto them repentance, and faith on the Lord Jesus Christ; teach them to humble themselves and to be meek and lowly in heart; teach them to withstand every temptation of the devil, with their faith on the Lord Jesus Christ”

Alma 37:33 “Predicales el arrepentimiento y la fe en el Senor Jesucristo; Ensenada’s a humillarse, y a ser Manson y humildes de corazon, esenales a resistor toda tentacion del diablo, con su fe en el Senor Jesucristo.”

Future Baptism!

The Zone

2 cousins 2 goats

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