Wednesday, February 28, 2024


Lake Atitlan

Super quick week this week. Biggest thing that happened was that we had a conference with 3 other missions from Guatemala. We got to hear from Elder Quentin L. Cook of the 12 Apostles. I only want to focus on this so I will be quick and update on things that happened this week. 

We moved houses today! Super goated. We now have Fulls for beds instead of twins

I got fleas, but, by the power of the priesthood they got cast out and I haven’t had a problem since the blessing. Shout out Sacerdocio. Saw my guy Elder Daniels at the Conference (flick down below). This isn’t new but my area is still the best. Definitely better than Fiji Elder Sprendie!

So Elder Cooks conference was probably one of the coolest spiritual experiences I have ever had in my life. I haven’t had very many life changing spiritual experiences but man this was definitely one of them! Elder Cooks main topic was focusing on talking to every person that we can. Obviously we knew this but he brought it to a whole different level. He brought up a lot of really good points.

-If we talk to someone, that could be their only chance to ever hear the gospel

-Our mission calls and areas are specific to us

-Elder Holland and Cook were companions on their missions

-What is our purpose as missionaries?

-Why would we wait to share the gospel?

-We always need to be inviting to church

-D&C 31:3-4

-We need to teach with the spirit, but if the spirit is there and they don’t accept, it is not our fault. They just aren’t ready

-We have a living Prophet as our guide. 

-The atonement of Christ is the greatest gift we have. We need to share with everyone this     message!! Investigators, inactive members, and members need this message everday.

My favorite part was his testimony for sure. The most powerful testimony I have ever heard. I wish you could have all been there because this will not do it justice. However, he explained how sharing very sacred experiences can be frowned upon and maybe a little sac-religious but he could share something with us. He said,”I know our savior lives. I know his voice, and I know his face”. This hit me like crazy. I have always been a big cryer, but when I heard this it hit me like a train. I just had one singular tear drop and eyes wide open. 

I’m not sure if he meant that he has seen God, or Jesus literally, or if he has just seen them in his life spiritually. But what I do know forsure is that he believes in that so much. An apostle of the lord simply will not lie to us. 

The lord lives and I invite you all to share his Gospel, missionary or not. I know the people we are teaching can feel our testimonies and the spirit will overcome them. Love you all 

Scripture of the Week:

D&C 31:13 “Be faithful unto the end, and lo, I am with you. These words are not of man nor of men, but of me, even Jesus Christ, your Redeemer, by the will of the Father. Amen.”

DyC 31:13 “Sé fiel hasta el fin y, he aquí, estoy contigo. Estas palabras no son de hombre ni de hombres, sino mías, sí, de Jesucristo, tu Redentor, por la voluntad del Padre. Amén”

Weekly guiding

Elder Daniels

The Gen

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    ANGELS Mi Cuate Yo super lit week this week. Definitely one of the most tired weeks that I’ve had in a long time. This week we have been...