Tuesday, March 5, 2024


Post church flick

Uxla china'a a todos. Superrrr fast week here in Santiago. I think it was the fastest week that I have had in the mish. We have been working super hard with this inactive family who has a couple family members who are not baptized. Familia Ratzan is their family name. They are a cute little fam. They are all girls. Of all ages. We put the sister in law and her 2 kids on date for this coming Sunday!! They are awesome and love coming to church. The other members and inactives are a lot harder and haven’t come back yet but we won’t lose faith in them. The mom is probably 30-ish and the daughters are 10 and 9 years old. Super cute family. I have also been a lot more familiar with the area lately which is good. We had interviews with President this last Saturday and they went great. He told my comp that he will be leaving most likely and I will probably get to stay here! So another chance to lead the area! Gotta get perfect at knowing Santiago by March 22nd so I don’t do a horrible job. 

Other than that this week has flown by so fast that I don’t remember too much of what is going on. Me and Elder Grutzmacher had pretty similar childhoods and we always tell each other stories about home. It is fun but also gets us a little trunky. We never fail to make it happy and find the gospel in it. We always are like home sounds sooo nice and college seems so fun. However, the mish is just so sick right now and we both love it. We are so happy to be here right now and super excited to get home and start our lives. We find it funny because we just want to be in 2 places at once. We came to the consensus that we want to be home so bad, just no sooner than the day we finish our mission.

A lot of time to think out here and a lot of time to observe the things of the world from an outside perspective. What I have learned so far on the mission is life will always be hard. It will never be a life without doubt, confusion, sadness, etc. However, we can limit all of that and put it to an all time low with the gospel. Really is as simple as that. If we follow the gospel, we succeed in life. Whatever life we want to live, we can. We have the power to choose. Super cool isn’t it?? Agency is a pretty cool thing. Whatever we think is too hard to overcome, too hard to learn, or too hard to do, just remember that nothing is impossible with God. We just have to CHOOSE to follow him and to follow the example of our Savior

Scripture of the Week:

3 Nephi 27:21 “Verily, verily, I say unto you, this is my gospel; and ye know the things that ye must do in my church; for the works which ye have seen me do that shall ye also do; for that which ye have seen me do even that shall ye do”

3 Nefi 27:21 “En verdad, en verdad os digo que este es mi evangelio; y vosotros sabéis las cosas que debéis hacer en mi iglesia; pues las obras que me habéis visto hacer, esas también las haréis; porque aquello que me habéis visto hacer, eso haréis vosotros”

Ex Elders in Guat

2 Goats

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    ANGELS Mi Cuate Yo super lit week this week. Definitely one of the most tired weeks that I’ve had in a long time. This week we have been...