Monday, March 18, 2024


Sylvia's baptism - I got to
FaceTime and watch! 

What up everyone. So kinda an L week for the work this week. We got bailed on a lot more than usual and our baptisms did not happen. The dad is still not home.  We are still waiting on him. He is in the military here so they can't have any contact with the family so who knows when he will get back home. Hopefully it will be before the transfer ends which is on Friday. 

Besides that it was an alright week. I did divisions with one of my ZL's and it was fun. We went and visited one of the families that we have been teaching. We helped them chop some wood and what not. I am getting pretty good at making tortillas too

Elder Ovando also knows the scriptures like crazy. To the point where he looks so far into the scripture that it is super hard to understand and there is 0 hope for these Catholics to see where he is coming from haha. Alsooo Sylvia from San Martin got baptized yesterday!! I am sooo excited for her and proud of the covenants that she has made with our Heavenly Father. I knew when I got transferred out it was because other Elders had something I couldn't give her. So a HUGE shoutout to Elder Grimm and Elder Surage. Legends

Really that’s all I got for the week though. Sometimes a week just is like that. A good thing I learned this week though is from a good friend Elder Taula in his email from last week. Here is a scripture he shared with us and I wanna share it with everyone. Patience and faith is key for everything. 

Isaiah 40:31 “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint”

Isaías 40:31 “pero los que esperan en Jehová tendrán nuevas fuerzas; levantarán las alas como águilas; correrán y no se cansarán; caminarán y no se fatigarán”

Weekly Jose trip

Mi familia in San Martin

Jealous cause they were at the Jazz game

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