Monday, March 11, 2024


Morning view

Yo Ruddup. Weeks are flying and I have been loving my time with “Elder Utz”. We had our baptismal dates for yesterday but we changed it because the dad is out of town and they want him to be at the baptism. However, super clutch because they want the baptism to be in the lake. We are getting super close with the family and they are amazing to us. 


We took a dope hike into one of the volcanoes super early. We woke up at 4:30ish and started the hike at 5:30ish. Then we got to the spot at like 7:30-8ish. Actually a super tough hike up. We had breakfast up there and ate beans, eggs, and tortillas. Super gas. However the way down wasn’t just a hike. We were doing service for a member and brought down a lot of wood for him and his fam. He had his wood pre-cut already, so we just went and packed it up and brought it down with him. It was freaking hard. There were a couple falls and it was so funny lol. Definitely glad I did it but that's a once in a lifetime thing probably. It really killed all of us. The worst part was this 10 year old kid was doing just as much weight as us so made us feel super dumb. But they just built like that. They are basically cheating though. It's in their Guatemalan Blood, it isn't fair.

 Super sick pictures tho. You guys ought to join the google photos and see. 

Super dope story. We went to visit one of our investigators the other day and we decided it was the right time to invite her to baptism. We shared a video of Jesus Christ’s baptism. We asked her what she knew about baptism and then we both shared our favorite scripture of baptism. Spirit was there no doubt. The whole time I just kept saying prayers in my heart to help her feel the spirit and accept our invitation. After we shared our scriptures and shared our testimonies I invited her to be baptized on March 17. Definitely my best baptismal invitation. The spirit was so strong. I had so much faith in her that she would accept the invitation. Andddd then she busted out laughing. She asked if we were just messing around with her. When we weren’t laughing and we were being serious she was like, wow you guys are being fr? We explained more and testified more. By the end of the conversation she said no(very politely) and told us that she doesn’t feel ready at all and she thinks if she joined our Church it would create problems with her family and more dumb reasons. So that was super sick and a bummer lol. Anyway we still felt super happy after and felt good about it. She’ll get baptized soon fs. We have a lot of faith in her. 

That’s about it for the week tho. What I learned this week is that we just gotta do our part. Just like sports. You can try your best and do everything you can and still fail. Just a part of life. So don't be sad when your investigator laughs at you and says no. Just do your part and be happy with it. Applies to everything in life. We all are going to fail. Just don't be a baby about it. Just keep working and God will bless you


Scripture of the Week:

3 Nephi 28:20 “And they were cast down into the earth; but they did smite the earth with the word of God, insomuch that by his power they were delivered out of the depths of the earth; and therefore they could not dig pits sufficient to hold them”

3 Nefi 28:20 “Y eran arrojados en la tierra; pero herían la tierra con la palabra de Dios, de tal modo que por su poder eran librados de las profundidades de la tierra; y, por tanto, no podían cavar fosos de hondura suficiente para contenerlos” 

Couple of Guaties

Boys in Guat


Journal time

Throwback to being Pedro for Halloween

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    ANGELS Mi Cuate Yo super lit week this week. Definitely one of the most tired weeks that I’ve had in a long time. This week we have been...