Tuesday, July 23, 2024

    3/4 BAPS

3/4 Baps

Yo what up, super slow week but it was lit. After last P-day, Elder Barber stayed with us for a day and it was so lit to have him for a day. If you guys remember, he was my comp on my 3rd transfer in the mish and he is now a traveling AP so he came and stayed with us for a day, super lit. Me, Elder Ruff, and Elder Barber would be a crazy trio for a transfer ngl. The week was good though with the work. We have a couple really cool people who are starting to take us seriously so it's been fun. We also had the opportunity to be involved in a couple baptisms for the ward! We had an investigator who was also going to get baptized but we got her in the water and she got too scared so unfortunately she wasn't baptized but her cousins and another kid from the ward did hahaha. All good though, she just needs a little bit more time to prepare to get under the water. 

I am also being transferred this Wednesday. It'll be fun and I am pumped. A lil bit nervous too tho. President called me today and said “You will be District Leader, training a brand new kid, and white washing an area. So not very much responsibility”. Obviously he was joking but it'll be fun and I'm pumped to see who all these new kids are that come in. 

One thing that I did do this week though was listen to an Elder Bednar NTC Devotional. I think I might have mentioned it when I was in the MTC but imma do it again because it is so good for everyone to hear. He said that his mission president asked him this question,”What would we do if the prophet fell away from the church and disowned it?” I thought well, that would be so insanely sad and I would probably doubt a lot of things after that. But he said that his mission president said he would not be shaken in the slightest. I thought, how is that possible but then I listened more and Elder Bednar's mission president said that he isn't converted to the prophet. He is converted to the Lord and he knows for himself, with 0 doubt that the church is true. I realized dang, I'm a long way from that but it gave me a perspective that it should not matter what happens in life. No matter how terrible, we need to be converted to the church and never leave it. He said if at any moment we say the church isn't true, that just means we aren't true to the church

I love you all and I want you guys to convert yourselves to the Lord in any way you guys think you can. Life is scary and tough and I love you all too much to see faith lost! Be safe out there!

Scripture of the Week:

D&C 25:2 “A revelation I give unto you concerning my will; and if thou art faithful and walk in the paths of virtue before me, I will preserve thy life, and thou shalt receive an inheritance in Zion”

DyC 25:2 “Te doy una revelación concerniente a mi voluntad; y si eres fiel y andas por las sendas de la virtud delante de mí, te preservaré la vida y recibirás una herencia en Sion”

#1 Fam in Guat
Hernandez Family

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    ANGELS Mi Cuate Yo super lit week this week. Definitely one of the most tired weeks that I’ve had in a long time. This week we have been...