Tuesday, July 30, 2024


Meeting my new comp Elder Giles
(A couple of groms)

Yo what up, insane changes this past week. So as you guys know, I was transferred but I didn't know where I was going yet. On Tuesday we did all of our goodbyes and it was sad but it was time to leave. The ward in Milagro helped me in so many ways and I made some insanely good friends in my time there.

Now onto the next chapter of my mish. Transfers were on Wednesday and I was nervous to see where I was going and who I was going to be training. I got transferred to San Raymundo which is technically in the city but it does not give off city vibes at all. We are touching my first area San Martin and it gives off San Martin vibes a lot. It is a small town with a lot of Aldeas (villages) outside of the main city. It is dead silent at night and no one is outside so it's insanely different from Milagro. I also received my new comp Elder Giles. He just got here and I got lucky enough to train him. It's been super fun with him, he's such a legend. Seeing all the funny things he does as a new missionary makes me realize I am literally just training myself. I will say he's a lot more mature than I was. He is just starting to learn Spanish and is pretty worried about the food just like I was. We haven't had water all week so it was a tough start to his mish and I really felt for him but he really looks past all of the 3rd world trials. He's such a goat. 

Saying goodbye to the Milagro Central Ward was hard but the last person I talked to was my friend Marco. He told me something that has already changed my mission and honestly probably my life. I talked to him last transfer about some of the baptisms and how I was stressed about preparing all of them and making sure they stayed active after their baptisms. He told me that way too many missionaries and people waste time, energy, and happiness on worrying! It made me realize that everything will be alright. We need to baptize and have faith everything will work out! And then he said the same thing to me when I left. “Don't be afraid to put someone in the water”. It really got me prepared for this transfer and I have been able to share that with my companion. Starting the mission is insanely hard and so many things run through your head. I have been blessed by my friend Marco to help me and my companion stay calm in stressful situations and learn to love and have fun in the mission. 

Love you all insanely and miss you all!

Scripture of the Week:

Mosiah 24:14 “And I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs, even while you are in bondage; and this will I do that ye may stand as witnesses for me hereafter, and that ye may know of a surety that I, the Lord God, do visit my people in their afflictions.”

Mosíah 24:14 “Y también aliviaré las cargas que pongan sobre vuestros hombros, de manera que no podréis sentirlas sobre vuestras espaldas, mientras estéis en servidumbre; y esto haré yo para que me seáis testigos en lo futuro, y para que sepáis de seguro que yo, el Señor Dios, visito a mi pueblo en sus aflicciones.”

Last few days in Milagro Central
Best Jóvenes in Guat

The Hernandez' - Utah 2025 trip
w them gonna be lit

Extrano a Ruffy

Elder Giles and Elder Barber
(another couple of groms)

My new area - San Raymundo

Hard working Guaties

Reading material

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    ANGELS Mi Cuate Yo super lit week this week. Definitely one of the most tired weeks that I’ve had in a long time. This week we have been...