Wednesday, August 21, 2024


Aldrea run

Hey what's up everyone. Another good week this week. To be honest, not anything crazy happened so sorry I don't have any cool stories for this week. I did divisions with one of the Elders in my district and he is just starting the mission as well. Insanely funny kid. His name is Elder Culebro and I want to be as happy as this kid. He loves the mish and is always having a good time. Straight goat. We honestly did not make very much progress this week in the area, but that's ok. Too many families are straight women so we literally just can't teach them because the dad works all day lol. We'll keep looking though for sure. 

I think the biggest take away that I had from this week was that I didn't feel as happy. Not because the work is super hard or because I'm home sick or whatever else. I think I realized it was kind of a tough week because I wasn't teaching with love. I was getting super frustrated because the people couldn't understand and they just really are so blind so I started to get so mad. Then I realized well, that's what is going to happen and not everyone will understand. But especially because no one will understand from my efforts alone. Doesn't matter how many scriptures I know, if I'm getting frustrated and upset during these lessons then I will not have the help of the spirit and it will be impossible for me to help someone be converted. So this week my goal is to be A LOT more patient and loving and I believe I will be able to see a lot more miracles. Humbleness is the hardest thing to learn on the mission. But it is so important in conversion for the investigator and especially the missionary. 

Love you all, and I'd love to see an email from you guys this week. Miss you guys. Shout out Bowser and Randy. Such legends it's insane

Scripture of the Week:

Ether 12:27: “And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.”

Éter 12:27:y si los hombres vienen a mí, les mostraré su debilidad. Doy a los hombres debilidad para que sean humildes; y basta mi gracia a todos los hombres que se humillan ante mí; porque si se humillan ante mí, y tienen fe en mí, entonces haré que las cosas débiles sean fuertes para ellos".


Randy answered my mom's phone -
had to cop a flick

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