Wednesday, August 14, 2024

    LA FE

Our friend Michael Debut

Super good week this week but super tiring. P-day went super fast today which is kinda L, still balled on the cancha tho. 

Not going to lie, it's been a tough start in San Ray. All of our investigators were super not progressing at all so we had a big planning session and dropped like everyone from teaching and started from scratch. A lil discouraging at first not going to lie but I was praying for some motivation and I got it. So this week at multi zone conference we talked about inviting to baptism to every contact and having the faith to do so. Inviting to baptism has always been hard for me on the very first contact but the AP's got me pumped to do so. Afterwards though, President spoke about having the faith to baptize. He played us a clip from a talk by Thomas S. Monson in the October 1983 conference called “Labels”. Here's what it said:

“Sometimes cities and nations bear special labels of identity. Such was a cold and very old city in Eastern Canada. The missionaries called it “Stony Kingston.” There had been but one convert to the Church in six years, even though missionaries had been continuously assigned there during the entire interval. No one baptized in Kingston. Just ask any missionary who labored there. Time in Kingston was marked on the calendar like days in prison. A missionary transfer to another place—any place—would be uppermost in thoughts, even in dreams. While I was praying about and pondering this sad dilemma, for my responsibility then as a mission president required that I pray and ponder about such things, my wife called to my attention an excerpt from the book, A Child’s Story of the Prophet Brigham Young, by Deta Petersen Neeley. She read aloud that Brigham Young entered Kingston, Ontario, on a cold and snow-filled day. He labored there about thirty days and baptized forty-five souls. Here was the answer. If the missionary Brigham Young could accomplish this harvest, so could the missionaries of today. Without providing an explanation, I withdrew the missionaries from Kingston, that the cycle of defeat might be broken. Then the carefully circulated word: “Soon a new city will be opened for missionary work, even the city where Brigham Young proselyted and baptized forty-five persons in thirty days.” The missionaries speculated as to the location. Their weekly letters pleaded for the assignment to this Shangri-la. More time passed. Then four carefully selected missionaries—two of them new, two of them experienced—were chosen for this high adventure. The members of the small branch pledged their support. The missionaries pledged their lives. The Lord honored both. In the space of three months, Kingston became the most productive city of the Canadian Mission. The grey limestone buildings still stood, the city had not altered its appearance, the population remained constant. The change was one of attitude. The label of doubt yielded to the label of faith.”

This was the exact answer I needed. I felt like my prayers were answered and I felt motivated to change the faith I had in San Raymundo. Then President started talking about an area in the mission that was the “Stony Kingston” of the Antigua Mission. But one missionary named Elder Perez changed the label of San Martin. Before, there had only been 3 baptisms in 3 years and Elder Perez asked President that for his last 2 transfers of his mission, he wanted to go to San Martin and train a new missionary which turned out to be me.  So he asked me to get up and explain what happened. So I was super emotional at this time and it was hard to get all of the words out to explain but the faith that Elder Perez had, Changed my mission, but also San Martin and there have been baptisms there ever since. Shout out Chicken

So after, I got super motivated to get back out and try and turn San Raymundo around. And we got very blessed and were able to put a baptismal date with our friend Michael for September 7. Sí, con fe, milagros vienen

Love you guys

les amo

Scripture of the Week:

1 Samuel 2:30 “Wherefore the Lord God of Israel saith, I said indeed that thy house, and the house of thy father, should walk before me for ever: but now the Lord saith, Be it far from me; for them that honour me I will honour, and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed.”

1 Samuel 2:30 “Por tanto, Jehová el Dios de Israel dice: Yo había dicho que tu casa y la casa de tu padre andarían delante de mí perpetuamente; mas ahora ha dicho Jehová: Nunca haga yo tal cosa, porque yo honraré a los que me honran, y los que me desprecian serán tenidos en poco”

Elder Barby vest swap

La Familia

La Zona Florida

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    ANGELS Mi Cuate Yo super lit week this week. Definitely one of the most tired weeks that I’ve had in a long time. This week we have been...