Tuesday, September 10, 2024


Our new Branch Presidente Zacarias

Great week this week. I am here in San Raymundo with Elder Giles for another transfer and I'm super pumped about it. We have another chance to get more baptisms and try and have a restart. The members have started working with us and it's been helping a lot. This last Sunday we organized and we were set apart as the San Raymundo Branch!  The members have been waiting for this for years and this week they were so motivated to help us in the work. We have found some pretty cool new people to teach through them. Still super dry but it was only the first week so we chill.

Michael is a champion. Bro gives us so many references and goes with us to teach so much and it's been so lit. Bro knows how to teach! Fs a better missionary than me already. We taught with him a lot this week and it has made me realize how much I missed lessons with members and how important lessons with members are. He has been able to relate with everyone more and they have more trust in him and it has made lessons so much better. We had a super cool lesson with an investigator from a different area who has been struggling with depression and she wanted to learn about the church and her family found out and freaked out on her. Then she started sharing her anti church stuff. She was sad and had so many questions about everything but we were able to calm her down and have a cool lesson. Michael shared a great experience and in that moment I knew he got baptized for his personal well being but also to help so many people come closer to our Father in Heaven.

That's about all I got for the week but I’m excited to stay here  with Elder Giles and have another go with the new branch here in San Raymundo. 

Love you all you guys

be safe

Scripture of the Week:

Helaman 3:27 “Thus we may see that the Lord is merciful unto all who will, in the sincerity of their hearts, call upon his holy name”

Helamán 3:27 “Así vemos que el Señor es misericordioso para con todos aquellos que, con la sinceridad de su corazón, quieran invocar su santo nombre”

La Rama De Sam Ray - our new Branch!

Michael referred us to this tiny lady to teach!

Yo y Michael

Elder Giles y yo

La zona Florida 

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    ANGELS Mi Cuate Yo super lit week this week. Definitely one of the most tired weeks that I’ve had in a long time. This week we have been...