Wednesday, September 4, 2024


Michael's Baptism

Yo honestly super super slow week last week but Michael got baptized on Saturday!  For sure the highlight of the week. He moved his date up because he didn't want to wait any longer. Right now I am at lunch with him and here is what he said about his experience. 

“It was something beautiful. I felt free. I felt a great peace overcome me. A great happiness. I felt the weight of my sins be lifted off. I know this church is true”

He really is a miracle, for a lot of reasons, but especially because we are getting wrecked out here with people. Our investigators aren't progressing so it's tough on us right now but he will be an insane help in lessons so we'll be on the come up fs. Transfers are coming up and we’ll see what happens. I am about 95% sure that we’ll be staying together here in San Raym but we’ll see. 

Huge shout out to Macy and Maggie. I was blessed with 2 new nephews. Rafe and Louie are such goats. Now Wells being at 2 months looks huge which really makes me realize that wow, Poppy is insanely big. One more baby with Kenna and it'll make it 5 new nephews and nieces since I left. Still have 11 more months though, Syd and Davis could fs have another one, I got hope. 

Love you all

Scripture of the Week:

3 Nephi 18:21 “Pray in your families unto the Father, always in my name, that your wives and your children may be blessed.”

3 Nefi 18:21 “Orad al Padre en vuestras familias, siempre en mi nombre, para que sean bendecidos vuestras esposas y vuestros hijo”

Let's Go!


Meeting baby Rafe
- Big Wells

Meeting Baby Louie

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    ANGELS Mi Cuate Yo super lit week this week. Definitely one of the most tired weeks that I’ve had in a long time. This week we have been...