Thursday, October 31, 2024




Super solid week this week here in Patzun. It’s been super fun. Quick side story. I got one sentence into writing my email here waiting for the dentist to get here and I just watched her try and pull into the parking lot and she hit a motorcycle lol. (Everyone was fine) So freaking funny hahahah. It was totally the motos fault tho, he was trying to weave around her.

Anyways, the work has been picking up a lot and this week we made a lot of contacts with past investigators before I got here. I think 2 of the 20 investigators they had were actually interested lol. But we found cool people and got cool references. I also have bed bugs and it's the worst thing in the world, lmk how to get rid of em.  

I wanna talk about Cristofer and Juan. They are cousins and they are freaking goats. They went to church as kids but their parents never let them get baptized but now they are older. Juan is 21 and Cristofer is 16. We are hoping that 16 is an old enough age for them to let him decide for himself to get baptized. We called Juan on Sunday morning and told him to come and he said alright sounds good I just woke up. I honestly didn't think he was gonna come but he did and brought Cristofer which was a huge blessing. We had a little lesson with them after and they said that they want to get baptized and are super excited to get back going to church. We also have a 12 year old kid who is friends with Bishop's son and also said he wants to get baptized but right now doesn't feel ready and he doesn't feel like he has enough knowledge of the church to be baptized. We had a great lesson with him and read Alma 32:21 and D&C 20:37 which helped him out a lot. We'll get him fs!

Really not too much going on lately though but there is a lot of potential. We are going to fast this Saturday for the area. I would love for you guys to fast for the people you guys love as well. 

Love you all

Be Safe

D&C 98:11 “And I give unto you a commandment, that ye shall forsake all evil and cleave unto all good, that ye shall live by every word which proceedeth forth out of the mouth of God.”

DyC 98:11 “Y os doy un mandamiento, que vosotros desechéis todo lo malo y os alleguéis a todo lo bueno, y que viváis de acuerdo con toda palabra que sale de la boca de Dios”

Me and my Comp

Patzunero by night

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    ANGELS Mi Cuate Yo super lit week this week. Definitely one of the most tired weeks that I’ve had in a long time. This week we have been...