Wednesday, November 6, 2024


Emma's baptism

What’s up everyone, hope you’re all doing super good. This week has actually been super good. The time here has been flying like crazy. We are about halfway done with the transfer and not gonna lie, I’ve been a little bit scared and nervous. When I got here I felt such a big motivation to get here, baptize and make a mark immediately. Here we are halfway through the transfer and we haven’t even set a baptism date yet. I’ve been kinda stressing out and don’t want to end the transfer without making progress in the area. However, super fun little baptism for our little sister Emma. She was so cute. Inactive mom, started visiting them and taught her all the lessons and then she elected me to baptize her. She is so cute and it was fun to be able to get in the water for the first time since Milagro. She was 8 years old so it technically didn’t count for the mission but it still counted in my heart. She’s the best. Little baptism drought since Michael 2 months ago and a month before that was the last one but it’s chill. We starting to grind again.

The little thought I wanted to give this week is about progress. I look back at old photos on google photos and don’t feel like appearance wise I’ve changed very much but my nature, habits, my thoughts, and everything has obviously changed so much. But lately I have been feeling that the past 2 and a half transfers I haven’t felt as much progress. I haven’t felt like I have been learning as much Spanish or learning much from the scriptures and lessons as I used to at the start of the mission. (I attached a link to the video so watch it and you’ll know what I mean when I say I kinda felt like I just looked forward into the cloud instead of walking forward). Almost like I just took a break and took a little nap. I now feel like I have started to walk forward again in faith and it feels a lot better.

I realized freak, I’m not always going to be on the mission! I was kinda upset that I wasn’t making as much progress or learning as much as I did at the beginning of the mission. So I realized just how hard it is going to be to progress at home. With work, school, sports, constant temptations and little by little slowing down until we eventually just stop in the cloud. Sometimes we(I) just do not trust what our Father in Heaven has in store for us(me) and we stop. Stop praying at night and in the morning. We stop reading the scriptures. We stop going to church. and eventually we START doing things that we shouldn’t. We get selfish, lazy, faithless, and eventually start to lose the testimony we once had. DON’T DO THAT. I promise it does not bring happiness or solutions. It brings sadness and more problems disguised as temporary “happiness”.

Wether you are homesick on the mish or are questioning if the church is true, or if you are the bishop of a ward, keep going and always remember that you can always progress. You will find what you look for.  If you look for eternal happiness, you will find it. If you look for the temporal happiness, you will find it. I trust you all to pick the one Jesus wants you to.

Be safe, love you hear from you all next week

Link to the video:

Patterns of Light: Spirit of Revelation

Scripture of the Week:

Alma 32:26 “Now, as I said concerning faith—that it was not a perfect knowledge—even so it is with my words. Ye cannot know of their surety at first, unto perfection, any more than faith is a perfect knowledge”

Alma 32:26 “Pues como dije acerca de la fe, que no era un conocimiento perfecto, así es con mis palabras. No podéis, al principio, saber a la perfección acerca de su veracidad, así como tampoco la fe es un conocimiento perfecto”

So tired

La Dentista

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    ANGELS Mi Cuate Yo super lit week this week. Definitely one of the most tired weeks that I’ve had in a long time. This week we have been...