Tuesday, December 17, 2024


Hijito y nietito
So awesome to see Elder Giles in Antigua

Super good week. 2 weeks down here in Alotenango and honestly it feels like I've been here forever - in a good way! I like it here and we have investigators that have a lot of potential and we are trying super hard to get them baptized this transfer. Please pray for Abi, Noemy, Alma, Angelica and Vidal. They are such goats.

The problem with some of them is that Alma, Noemy, and Abi do not have permission from their dad. So, also pray for their dad Carlos as well. We are making a lot of progress actually with their dad but it is going to be very tough for us to get permission.

Angelica is super cool and takes to the lessons honestly really well. She has a super cute little 1 year old but man does she know how to scream. So do my nieces and nephews so I understand and feel bad when we go over cause when we do, she is always trying to be nice to us but also wrestling with her kid as well. So we don’t have that insanely reverent silence and peace to let us teach with The Spirit. Even though she seems like she isn’t paying attention because she is dealing with her kid, she remembers EVERYTHING. Still hasn’t come to church yet.  However, we believe that we can get her next week!

Vidal is also a super goat and has been taught by the missionaries before. The thing with him is that he works on Sundays so we haven’t been able to get him to church. He also says that he does not believe in modern day prophets and apostles so we’re trying to figure that one out. He is insanely cool though because bro actually keeps his commitments. He reads the Book of Mormon every time we give him a chapter to read. He always shares his thoughts and he actually likes reading it.  We’re hoping that if he grows a crazy strong testimony he will understand that modern prophets do exist and that the Book of Mormon is evidence of that.

Everything else is pretty slow here but it’s been super fun. I have been praying a lot for miracles to happen. It’s hard to see them to be honest but it has been awesome asking for help and asking to see them. 

Love you all - stay safe

Shoutout to Joey - the 5th niece/nephew born since I have left on my mission.

Scripture of the Week:

Alma 34:21 “Cry unto him in your houses, yea, over all your household, both morning, mid-day, and evening.”

Alma 34:21 “Clamad a él en vuestras casas, sí, por todos los de vuestra casa, tanto por la mañana, como al mediodía y al atardecer.”


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