Monday, December 9, 2024


Volcan de fuego y Acatenango

Super long week this week but still super happy to be here. I have been getting a lot more obedient with my new companion and he is a goat. We’ve been getting along so much and we are great friends. We have done companionship study every single day, which I have not done before with my other companions. We have insanely deep talks after our study and it's so lit. The language is coming along quick to the both of us. I'm still definitely not perfect and there is a lot of room to grow but it has been fun studying the language with him.

That's about it for the week, not too much has been happening but we have found a lot of new people to teach and hope they progress. I have a couple of quotes I want to share with you guys today so hope you will all be able to enjoy and learn from them.

"If some few of you are carrying such wounds—and I know that you are—to you is extended the peace and renewal of repentance available through the atoning sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ. In such serious matters the path of repentance is not easily begun nor painlessly traveled. But the Savior of the world will walk that essential journey with you. He will strengthen you when you waver. He will be your light when it seems most dark. He will take your hand and be your hope when hope seems all you have left. His compassion and mercy, with all their cleansing and healing power, are freely given to all who truly wish complete forgiveness and will take the steps that lead to it."  -Jeffery R. Holland 

"He suffered so I, Anziano Riley England (Elder Bowen England), wouldn’t have to suffer. I could be forgiven without suffering because Christ loved me so much to suffer for me. I again got on my knees and asked the Lord to help me feel forgiven and to truly help me understand the Atonement. I felt the rush of peace flood my body. The clarity of mind [came]. My Savior, my brother, my friend took my sins away. I accepted the Atonement. I let the Savior forgive me. The suffering has been done. The joy and happiness are eternal... Why am I forgiven? Because he loves me”. -Anziano Riley England

Love you all, you are NOT alone. A baby was born to save us from sin. Use his atonement in every moment.

Scripture of the Week:

Helaman 3:27 "Thus we may see that the Lord is merciful unto all who will, in the sincerity of their hearts, call upon his holy name"

Helamán 3:27 "Así vemos que el Señor es misericordioso para con todos aquellos que, con la sinceridad de su corazón, quieran invocar su santo nombre"

Mi compa

View from my house

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    ANGELS Mi Cuate Yo super lit week this week. Definitely one of the most tired weeks that I’ve had in a long time. This week we have been...