Thursday, September 28, 2023


Pre Mission Lesson

This week was pretty good and pretty fast. Crazy I got less than a week left til the real adventure begins. Although I am super excited, all the dawgs emails are getting me kinda nervous about living in a 3rd world country ngl. But it can't be worse than 6 hours of Spanish class.

We teach lessons every Saturday morning in Spanish. Our first 2 lessons were just teaching CCM teachers but it was still great. Our last one though was a 13 year old kid. It was so cool teaching him. He was quiet but he had a strong testimony that hit me and Elder Dobson. It made us so excited to get to Guatemala to teach and get to know all of the kids. Also I explained to Elder Dobson that me at 13 years old was playing way too much Fortnite.  I was an annoying cocky little kid lol. I'm so excited to get to know all the humble kids of Guatemala. Other than that it has been the same old, just a lot of volleyball and we threw some pickleball in there. I still suck at Kendama though but am making progress. I have 2 years left to get better.

In our Tuesday devotional we listened to a clip of President Nelson talk about the Book of Mormon. He said that he always hears "I know the Book of Mormon is true". He said "That is great, BUT it is simply not enough". In my experience I can testify of this. We all need to love the Book of Mormon, have a testimony of it, and study it intently every single day. The Book of Mormon plus The Spirit is the best resource that we are able to access. I promise this Book is the answer to all of our questions no matter what it is when we have faith and the gift of the Holy Ghost. President Allred showed us a video of a steak being smoked and prepared and cut. It was so mean because the food here absolutely sucks. But he compared that steak to the Book of Mormon. We need to FEAST on it just as much as a good filet. I don't have the option to have a good filet out here but I do have the Book of Mormon to feast on and devour. All of you guys who are at home, have a good filet and study or listen to the Book of Mormon before or after your meal. Or better yet while you eat your meal.

I am missing you all like crazy, and would love emails from you guys. Been missing LAX like crazy, wish the dawgs good luck against Xly today in there scrimmage. Go bengals,

Xly sucks.

Scripture of the week:

John 14:26 "But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you."

Juan 14:26 "Mas el Consolador, el Espíritu Santo, a quien el Padre enviará en mi nombre, él os enseñará todas las cosas, y os recordará todo lo que os he dicho."

Last Temple Day

Elder Summerhays is the goat

Me and the Latinos

Weekly pic with Elder Mathews

Go Bengals

Thursday, September 21, 2023


What uppp, Elder England here. Short email this week. This week was not as great as last week but we good, we'll bounce back. Home sickness is getting a lil more intense. Not just on a quick lil church vacation with the boys anymore haha. 

This week was pretty filled with a whole lot of nothing. Obviously there have been plenty of spiritual experiences, great devos, and as always the best district reviews that get the tears flowing. This week though I have been thinking about family a lot (being home sick ofc) but mostly how families can be together forever. My niece was born this week! Shout out to Poppy and Davis and Syd!!! So happy my family gets to hold a cute new baby while I am in Mexico City, so happy for you guys

For real though families are literally the best thing in the entire world and I have just been thinking how much of a miracle each and every family is. It is so beautiful to see my siblings' own families grow just like our family did not too long ago. I am so thankful for my family and all of the new friends I have made here that I get to call my family for the next 2 years. Thousands of brothers and sisters across the world doesn't seem too bad to me. Everyone text a member of your family and tell them how much you love em, that's your homework this week.

I was reminded of a scripture that I think is straight bars that I would love to share with all you husbands out there. You guys better memorize this

Scripture of the week:

D&C 42:22 " Thou shalt love thy wife with all thy heart, and shalt cleave unto her and none else"

Doctrina y Convenios 42:22 " Amarás a tu esposa con todo tu corazón, y te allegarás a ella y a ninguna otra"

Sam and Konrad left for the mission field this past week

Handstand pic took at least 10 tries!

Posting up with Kleenex

Doritos in Mexico



Thursday, September 14, 2023


Que pasa chicas y chicos? This past week and a half has been so good. It was a weird schedule. I had P-Day on a Saturday then the following Monday too and no P-Day for 11 days which I thought was going to be brutal but it wasn't too bad. Way faster than the first 3 days for sure. I have had such great spiritual experiences. There have definitely been tough days though do not get me wrong, The CCM is pretty boring and so repetitive. I always wakeup in the morning after having a dream I'm back at home that feels so real and then I realize I am in a bunk bed in Mexico. Breakfast, study for 3 hours, volleyball for 2, lunch, class, dinner, and then class. I feel like I have been a missionary for 2 years already lol but the days that have been the most special to me since I have been here are coincidentally a P-Day and a Sunday.

Since there are a lot of days in between emails I am just going to write about my 2 experiences. 

First one was my Monday P-day where we were able to go to the Mexico City temple. This was just like any other temple, it looks different like all temples do but the exact same routine since I was 12 years old. What was different though was first getting off of a bus with about 30 missionaries. Walking into the temple with all of our tags, I felt like we were celebrities or something. But mostly the language is what hit me the hardest. I was able to be the first one in our group to go so I got to baptize in Spanish and then confirm in Spanish too. Since I was done before everyone, I was able to confirm like 6 people, so like 30 names. This was such a great experience, to feel the spirit so strongly in a language I suck at was so comforting. Even though my Spanish is going to suck in Guatemala, when I am teaching, I trust that the spirit will carry.

My second experience was this last Sunday during personal study and our district review right after. We would just talk about what we studied and what we learned. Elder Sargent starts as always because he is Boss Man, our district leader, and as always gave such a personal and spiritual testimony. We went around the room bearing our testimonies and half of us were fighting tears the whole time, the spirit was just so freaking strong. I was the last one to go and I didn't study scripture, or talks or any of that. I explained that I studied my patriarchal blessing and how it talked about gathering Israel on this side of the veil and on the other side as well. I then thought about how special the temple was and how lucky we all are to have temples. I then looked at my family chart and looked at all of my grandparents and great grandparents and saw the story of my cousin Riley England that my mom had sent.  I have always known who he was and know that he passed away before I was born but never much about him. I started reading his story, from the point of view of his mission president. It was so powerful to read the advice, trials, and happiness my cousin Riley was able to feel on his mission. The whole story is inspiring but also long so I can't put that on an email. (I think I have already lost everyone halfway through this email lol)  But I explained in my testimony that the connection I was able to feel to my ancestors and my cousin, who I had never met, felt just like any other family member. I felt the love and support from my cousin Riley. Yes I was crying, I got some tearrs out of Elder Sargent, Mcomber, and Mathews (shoutout to my dawgs). Anyway, the spirit was just so strong and I expressed even though I don't know him, I love my cousin Riley. And that I love each and every single person in my district even though we met 2 weeks ago. 

Sorry for the long email but the spirit keeps surprising me. I keep learning knew things and I 100% credit that to prayer. Prayer has been my best friend out here and I encourage everyone to get on their knees every morning and night and pray with a sincere heart and real intent. It will effect your life so much. The Lord LOVES effort!

Scripture of the week:

Mosiah 18:6 "And it came to pass that as many as believed him went thither to hear his words."

Mosíah 18:6 "Y aconteció que cuantos le creían, se dirigían allí para oír sus palabras."

Sunset in the CCM

Mexico City

My District

Face timing with the family 

More sleeping and my nose has been hose!

Sunday, September 3, 2023


Whattt upp from Mexicooo. This week was, definitely something. Monday and Tuesday were very very full of emotions. The goodbyes I knew were going to be very hard but it's something I never want to experience again. Not going to lie to you guys, the first couple days of the MTC sucked. It was the longest 2 days of my life. Food sucked. We were taught how to wash our hands in a veryyy monotone voice. I could not keep my eyes open and I was in the front row so I was trying so hard cause the people talking to us were about 3 feet away from me but I just could not stay awake. Same thing with class later that night. Rough day. Shout out to my Ma and everyone who wrote in my "Emotional First Aid Kit". That worked wonders.

Everything hasn't been all bad though. Once we got through all the MTC introduction presentations it was better. We get gym time and I lifted for like the first time since before lax season and I am very sore but it's been fun exercising. Our district sucks at basketball so it's great because I suck too. Mashed potatoes here are bustttt tho. I ate only that for dinner one night. Classes are getting a lot more fun and our district gets along so well. I'm very blessed for getting placed in such a great district and companionship. I suck at Spanish though so gotta get on that. Also got to see 2 of the dawgs down here, Grot and Swags. Super nice to see familiar faces.

Emails are gonna be pretty short tho so people don't get too bored lol. Love all you guys and would love it if you guys reach out!!


Scripture of the week: 

3 Nephi 5:13,"Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life"

"He aquí, soy discípulo de Jesucristo, el Hijo de Dios. He sido llamado por él para declarar su palabra entre los de su pueblo, a fin de que alcancen la vida sempiterna."

Love my District

Could NOT stay awake!

Mexico MTC by night

Great to see this guy

Hanging in the rain with Elder Dobson

Gave a bunch of haircuts this week!

Throwback - now we're missionaries


All packed up and ready to go!

Saying Goodbye was NOT easy!

My favorite little people!

Off to an adventure of a lifetime!!!


Grandpa England is 103
(he will be 104 on October 24th)
When we were hugging he said
"Two years? I'll be here!"
Hope to be able to hug him again!

Last moments with family and friends


What up everyone!! I just finished my first week at home MTC. Not gonna lie I thought this was gonna be the most terrible thing ever. But I was pleasantly surprised, I loved it. It was great to get to know my whole district and comp while I was eating waffles in the comfort of my own home. It also makes tomorrow a lot less intimidating when I head to the Mexico MTC. I feel like I got pretty close to everyone in my district and especially my comp. I think me and my comp were pleasantly surprised when we got to know each other. Based on both our mission pictures, what we looked like in the pictures doesn’t reflect what we usually look like in person and especially our personalities hahaha. I love Elder Dobson. He’s gonna make this MTC a lot easier as well. 

I was able to get all my favorite restaurants in too, so I’m satisfied. Beans and tortillas are just going to have to be my favorite meal from now on. Hopefully the MTC has good food but I’m not gonna be able to DoorDash Hot-n-Spicies during class anymore so that blows. There were definitely some moments though during my 4 hour zoom classes where I couldn’t focus and was boring myself to death. Thankful for the golf simi and 10 minute breaks so I could hurry and go play a couple holes. One thing that helped classes go a lot faster was moving my classroom all around the house so I didn’t feel like I was in a jail all day. Change of scenery was a great thing. 

Overall it was a great experience and I felt the spirit so strongly in classes and especially personal study. I should’ve been reading the scriptures instead of watching tik tok my whole life. I love this book!! Anyway the real adventure starts tomorrow so wish me luck. Love you all so much, but not as much as our Father in Heaven loves each and every single one of you. 

Scripture of the week:

Alma 26:3 ,"Behold, I answer for you; for our brethren, the Lamanites, were in darkness, yea, even in the darkest abyss, but behold, how many of them are brought to behold the marvelous light of God! And this is the blessing which hath been bestowed upon us, that we have been made instruments in the hands of God to bring about this great work"

"He aqui respondo por vosotros; porque nuestros hermanos los lamanitas se hallaban en la obscuridad, sí, aun en el mas tenebroso abismo; mas he aqui, ¡cuàntos de ellos han sido guiados a ver la maravillosa luz dios! Y esta es la benedición que se ha conferido sobre nosotros, que hemos sido hechos instrumentos en mas manos de dios para realizar esta gran obra"


On Sunday August 20, 2023 I had my farewell
followed by an open house with friends and family!


August 2, 2023 I went to the South Jordan Temple!
Such a good night!

    ANGELS Mi Cuate Yo super lit week this week. Definitely one of the most tired weeks that I’ve had in a long time. This week we have been...