Monday, October 9, 2023


Giving away Book of Mormons

What's upppp! I finished up at the CCM and headed out to Guatemala last Thursday. So much has happened since my last P-day on September 28th. First of all, General conference was freaking amazing. That was the first time I have ever listened and studied all 5 sessions. There were some quick 5 minute naps in there, I can't lie, but overall it was amazing receiving so much knowledge from the leaders of our church.

There is soooo much that I could talk about but I will keep it short. My new comp is Elder Perez and he is one of the AP's and a legend here in the mission.  I love him.  Right as I was assigned my companion (the night we got here), President Probst said you have a lesson that you guys have got to get to. So I jumped right into it. We were able to meet with this family and they were sooo kind. It was funny introducing myself to them because they wonder why I can't speak Spanish but I am Guatemalan. Then I tell them that I was adopted and tell them the whole story, haha they didn't believe me! hahaha. About half the time everyone laughs at me or is like that is sooo cool. No inbetween lol. They were the kindest people ever though and fed us and we had a whole testimony meeting in the dark. Could I understand a thing, nope, not really, but the spirit was there and it was such a cool experience.

I am assigned to go to the San Martin area but have been serving in San Lucas because here in Guatemala there have been many protests against the Government. I don't really know that much but I know the government won't step down and give power to the people elected. I dunno, it's about some crazy stuff. But the streets are blocked everywhere and a lot of us are stuck where we are. We are perfectly safe, just can't drive places, that's all. Nothing to worry too much about. We have been able to serve and proselyte with no problems. Me and my comp Élder Pérez have been serving in this nearby town called Santiago Sacatepequez. Everyone is super kind and a lot of people want to learn more. They are also very patient with my Spanish which is so comforting. We have a couple people who are pretty interested and others who we have their contact info. We have had people shut us down of course but they always want to hear what we have to say and are very kind to us. They kindly reject receiving the Book of Mormon. 

In my assigned area San Martin was "closed down" because there are about 15 members who are prolly not active, there is no church, and there has been no success so they shut it down. Me and my comp are going to reopen it and hopefully turn things around. It is going to be very tough work but we are good, it's not a mission if it's not hard. 

Hasn't all been sunshine and rainbows. You guys hear all the good stuff but there have been a lot of struggles so far in the mission and at home. I pray so often and it really helps. The language is really tough but I am learning quickly and am trying to be patient. I just feel like I can't connect to the people nearly as much because I don't understand them and I don't know if they understand me but our Heavenly Father doesn't give us trials that we can't overcome. As long as we have faith

D&C 103: 27-28: "27 Let no man be afraid to lay down his life for my sake; for whoso layeth down his life for my sake shall find it again. 28 And whoso is not willing to lay down his life for my sake is not my disciple."

DyC 103: 27-28 "27 Ningún hombre tema dar su vida por mi causa; porque quien dé su vida por mi causa, la hallará de nuevo. 28 Y el que no esté dispuesto a dar su vida por mi causa no es mi discípulo.

First Lesson

A lady we met today - Cutest little girl!

Dogs and drunks love their sleep

Elderes in Guaties

Gourmet meal - Elder Sargent misses American food

I miss my dawgs

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