Tuesday, October 17, 2023


Hermana Clida Ines Perez' baptism

Wow what a crazy week. Ok so to start off, Guatemala has been actually going through it. The blockades got a lot worse and weren't very peaceful in some places. It is really sad and we weren't able to leave the house one day. Then we could go out but weren't able to be out past like 6 pm. But by the end of the week we were back to normal. Now that I am writing this, I'm realizing WOW it has been a very long week. We always come out on top though. On Friday we received the news that the road opened up and we were able to go to San Martin and not stay in the office. I'm gonna miss that place though, it was always a good time with all the missionaries there.

I had the opportunity to have "my" first baptism this week! I met with her once before she decided to get baptized but my comp Élder Pérez did all the work to get her to this point. The baptism was on Saturday and it was such a cool experience. I'm not sure if Élder Pérez really wanted me to baptize her or if he just didn't want to get his temple clothes wet, but whatever reason it was. I'm glad I had the opportunity to baptize her. After the baptism we had English class and I love it. It's the best, cause I teach them and they realize how hard it is to learn a language. I always get made fun of being a "Gringo Guatemalteco" and it's funny. So it helps them understand how hard it really is. But the people are so so nice and are always willing to help me with my Spanish. My comp is especially good at this. He doesn't speak much English and I don't speak much Spanish so it's great, we learn a lot from each other.

We left to San Martin and got to our apartment at 2 am and in bed at around 2:30. You could say I could've slept on the way but it was terrifying. To put this into perspective. It was super winding roads. Think about Big Cottonwood Canyon. My driver, anytime there was a straight away, (which was pretty often) would gas it til the very last moment. Not exaggerating we got up to 120 when I decided to look over at him when there was a turn coming up. He really really wanted to get there fast. So there was no sleeping on the way and Sunday was a very very long day. This place is a lot different than San Lucas. It's a lot more poor and the culture is a lot different. The culture shock is crazy right now and I feel gross all the time but it's good because I need the humbleness.

Today for P-day we went to Chimaltenango which is far so we took a bus to meet our district. When I asked what food they have there my comp names off McDonald's, Burger King, Dominoes. You know all of the classics. And then he goes, "You need to try this place called Panda Express". So I played along for a sec and was like nah sounds gross what even is that. Then I told him they're all over. Élder Pérez is la cabra. 

Love you. Miss everyone like crazy right now/ Everyone says this but right now I would absolutely love to hear from everyone!

Scripture of the week: 

Moroni 7:13 "But behold, that which is of God inviteth and enticeth to do good continually; wherefore, every thing which inviteth and enticeth to do good, and to love God, and to serve him, is inspired of God"

Moroni 7:13 "Mas he aquí, lo que es de Dios invita e induce a hacer lo bueno continuamente; de manera que todo aquello que invita e induce a hacer lo bueno, y a amar a Dios y a servirle, es inspirado por Dios"

Heading to a lesson in San Lucas

I get to look tall for once in my life

San Martin

Jonah and this Nino would get along real well 

Panda Express?

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    ANGELS Mi Cuate Yo super lit week this week. Definitely one of the most tired weeks that I’ve had in a long time. This week we have been...