Tuesday, November 26, 2024



Qué onda cheles, good long week. We started the week off with a fast to find more people that are ready. We did our 24 hours from Monday night to Tuesday night and it really paid off. We got a text from a chick on Tuesday from an English Academy who wanted help judging their students on their final exams for the year. So on Wednesday morning we went over to the Academy and we talked to her about how we could help and she told us how we were going to judge. We started talking a bit more and we talked about our experiences that we’ve had with learning a new language and started talking about our Heavenly Father. She started to get emotional and really opened up and shared a lot of personal things that have been going on in her life. She said that she needed help spiritually and was so glad that we had come into her life. She knew other missionaries before but never talked to them about the gospel. We testified that this church is the kingdom of God on the earth and asked if she wanted to find out for herself. She said she wants to and wants to start her preparation to be baptized. We’ve taught her more and extended the invitation to be baptized.  We haven’t put a baptismal date yet but we found our miracle. 

Short email this email but I want to share a little message on testimony about fasting and faith. First of all, it works, it's real, and God listens. He pays attention, he knows us, he watches us, and we really do matter to Him. When we started the fast it wasn't necessarily something we wanted to do. It was hard and a bit annoying but we did it anyway. And I don't want to make it sound like it was this big hard sacrifice and it was so terrible, but I want to relate it to our lives. Each and every one of you have your own lives, personal and family problems. It's hard, sometimes life isn't easy. But we're here, doing it, so let's do it with faith. It would be a sad life to go through it without the help of our Heavenly Father. But when we do it with Him, with faith, with trust in Him that He can help us, how much more light shines on our dark days. 

Fast this week with faith for someone or something, and you will know that God is there. You will see Him change their lives. Fast for them so that they can come to know of the knowledge of Christ.

Love you all

Scripture of the Week:

John 14:14 “If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it”

Juan 14:14 “Si algo pidiereis en mi nombre, yo lo haré.”

At Tomas’ house 

Amo a la hermana Clara por la comida rica 

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