Tuesday, November 19, 2024


Yo what's up, insanely slow week again and tough week for the work but this week will be good - trust!  We only have one more week left in the transfer and it's crazy that it's ending. Even though the past 2 weeks have gone slower, the transfer has really slipped away from me. We have been super focused on visiting members and inactive members these past couple of weeks and it has been fun but really taken a hit on the datos for the week.

Also, this week my grandpa England passed away. If you know who Gene England was you know he was a man of joy, integrity, love, and humility. A couple weeks ago he hit his 105th birthday. I couldn't be more proud of the life that he lived and the example he was to the world. When I think about him living from 1919-2024, I can't imagine what his eyes have seen. He drove trucks with his father C.R. at 14 years old with his brother. He went to Japan and fought in World War II.  During that time, he sold his cigarette rations and came back with $5,000 (which in today's money would be around $100,000). He came back and bought a truck for the company and the rest is history. I dream to be half the man my grandfather was. Not so much about worldly possessions or experiences, but more in how he was nothing but righteous. The last words he said were “Think Celestial” and I hope to love and lead as he did. 

The mission has brought such happiness to me in my life and losing a loved one is not fun. However, the knowledge we have of the gospel helps me realize that wow, my Grandpa is way closer to me now than he ever was on earth. I thank my Heavenly Father for this knowledge and I hope to share this joy with each and every one of you. God KNOWS you and LOVES you. He has a plan for us and it is perfect. Trust him and find the joy as Christ would.

Love you all and stay safe

Scripture of the Week:

Alma 36:22 “Yea, me thought I saw, even as our father Lehi saw, God sitting upon his throne, surrounded with numberless concourses of angels, in the attitude of singing and praising their God; yea, and my soul did long to be there.”

Alma 36:22 “Sí, me pareció ver —así como nuestro padre Lehi vio— a Dios sentado en su trono, rodeado de innumerables concursos de ángeles en actitud de estar cantando y alabando a su Dios; sí, y mi alma anheló estar allí”

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    ANGELS Mi Cuate Yo super lit week this week. Definitely one of the most tired weeks that I’ve had in a long time. This week we have been...