Tuesday, December 3, 2024


My new area Alotenango

What up Elderes. Super good week this week. We had transfers. I got transferred and I am now here in Alotenango with Elder Ballard and it’s been so lit lately. The views from this place are insane. It reminds me of Santiago a little bit. The culture is super different obviously but just like Santiago I live in between 3 volcanoes. The big difference between these 3 and the 3 in Santiago is that here, one of the volcanoes is active and blows up literally every 5 minutes. It’s wild. They aren’t huge eruptions and it’s not dangerous for us but it has been so beautiful to watch. This is my first time being in the Antigua zone and I am still blown away by the volcanoes. It’s so normal for all the people here and for my comp but I still just stare 24/7. Also yesterday there was a super lit party in our area and the firework show with the volcano blowing up was super sick to watch. 

We have a couple investigators that aren’t progressing but they do want to be baptized. They are 3 girls named Abi, Darlin, and Alma. They are super awesome. The problem is however, the Elder I replaced always visited them without anyone else being there. Which is not good for a lot of reasons, but mainly now because their dad didn’t like that very much. I mean I wouldn’t if I were him either. 2 kids from different places hanging out with your teenage daughters is NOT a very good look so I don’t blame the dad for his feelings. However, he is now very against us and I didn’t even have the chance to get to know him before he made up his mind about the missionaries. We told the girls that we want to help them get baptized and that we will do everything that we can to help them achieve that goal. But we need to do it through their dad. The problem this creates is that I told them that we aren’t going to visit them if their dad isn’t home and if he doesn’t want us there. Now they think I’m such a bum for not wanting to visit them. Super tough stuff but we had a good fast this Sunday for their situation and we hope that all will work out the way it is supposed to.

The brief message that I want to share with you all is following the spirit. Sometimes we do wrong things for the right reasons. It makes sense in our minds to do this because even though we are doing something wrong, but for the right reasons, it just doesn’t help. Obedience in the mission is so important and I am not the greatest. I am far from being 100% obedient, but obedience really does matter. When we do something wrong for the right reasons, it is still simply wrong. We need to understand that the spirit wants to make us happy and Satan wants to make us miserable. We know who wants us to be obedient and who wants us to be disobedient. Being obedient isn’t easy but it brings so much happiness. And it doesn't apply to just missionaries or kids in primary. It’s for everyone to obey the commandments, go to church and keep the sabbath day holy, pay tithing, etc.

Love you all and I testify of the happiness that obedience brings. BE OBEDIENT and BE HAPPY!

Scripture of the Week:

1 Nephi 17:3 "And thus we see that the commandments of God must be fulfilled. And if it so be that the children of men keep the commandments of God he doth nourish them, and strengthen them, and provide means whereby they can accomplish the thing which he has commanded them; wherefore, he did provide means for us while we did sojourn in the wilderness."

1 Nefi 17:3 "Y así vemos que los mandamientos de Dios se deben cumplir. Y si los hijos de los hombres guardan los mandamientos de Dios, él los alimenta y los fortifica, y provee los medios por los cuales pueden cumplir lo que les ha mandado; por tanto, él nos proporcionó lo necesario mientras permanecimos en el desierto"

Saying goodbye to people in Patzunero
(top from left: Familia Yos, Abuelita Yos, Familia Ajpop
Right side from top: Los De Jas, Mi chelita
Bottom from left: Familia Ajpop Teleguario,Obispo Garret Emma & friends
Left from top: Emma, Obispo Tum)

The District

Elder Ballard

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    ANGELS Mi Cuate Yo super lit week this week. Definitely one of the most tired weeks that I’ve had in a long time. This week we have been...