Monday, November 11, 2024



Super Long week this week. Definitely missed home more than usual haha. We made great progress with a lot of people this week and a lot of others not so much. I feel like I have forgotten how to work and how to baptize lol. However, we have found people who show so much potential and I really think we can get them before the transfer ends. They are the in-laws of one of our members. The member grew up in the church and her whole family are members but she married an Evangelical guy and his whole family is Evangelical as well. She gave us dinner and we ended up meeting the family. We started talking about the plan of Salvation and they were super excited about it. We went back the next day and we had prepared a great lesson for them. We introduced the Book of Mormon and taught the plan of Salvation using scriptures from the Bible and the Book of Mormon for every principle that we taught. They loved it. They had SO many questions and we were able to answer their questions and they genuinely felt a huge interest in our message. We testified of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon and invited them to pray about it. They asked us a very important question. How have you guys felt God answer your prayers? We talked about how there are so many different ways to receive answers and revelation but that if you trust God and only ask Him, you will know, and when you know, do not be scared to accept the truth. 

I have seen hundreds of people throughout my mission feel the spirit, know it was the spirit, and reject it afterwards because they were scared to accept the truth. I had an experience with a family that told me that they weren't going to read the Book of Mormon because they knew they were going to find the truth. Conversion is hard, I don't blame them. I see myself in a lot of these people. Sometimes I don't trust God enough to convert me, or I do, and that's why I don't listen. There's an amazing BYU speech by Jeffrey R. Holland that is titled “Remember Lot's Wife”. I invite all of you guys to listen to it, and ask yourself the question, “What is something important to me that I need to leave behind because God has asked me to?” 

Love you all and I promise as we look forward with confidence in ourselves and in our Heavenly Father, we will find more happiness than what we would have left behind. 

Remember Lot's Wife:

Scripture of the Week:

Luke 17:32: “Remember Lot’s wife”

Lucas 17:32: “Acordaos de la mujer de Lot”

Saw Hermana Cylda at the temple!  
I baptized her a year ago

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    ANGELS Mi Cuate Yo super lit week this week. Definitely one of the most tired weeks that I’ve had in a long time. This week we have been...